I need your help ladies! I want to dye my hair


Active Member
I have had one rinse done at the salon but I want to try a semi permanent dye and do it myself at home. Okay I have a few questions? I did a search but I didn't get all of the answers I was looking for. I want to dye my hair black. I am a brownish color now and I am relaxed. Here are my questions?

What is the best store brand to use?

How long do I wait until I relax after using?

Will it damage my hair?

What steps do I need to take when dying my hair.

Should I deep condition afterwards?
I'm a bit unsure of the question because I think rinses and semi pemanent color are the same. So I'm unsure of the type product you are looking for. If you could make your question a little more clear as to what kind of product you looking I'll be glad to help.
Kari107 said:
I'm a bit unsure of the question because I think rinses and semi pemanent color are the same. So I'm unsure of the type product you are looking for. If you could make your question a little more clear as to what kind of product you looking I'll be glad to help.

OkAY, I didn't know they were the same. I want to try another rinse then. The first rinse I had was a brown one but now I want to try black.
longhairluva said:
What is the best store brand to use? i like natural instincts

How long do I wait until I relax after using? i'm natural but it will tell youo on the box; i believe you are supposed to wait 2 weeks b4 and after any chemical service

Will it damage my hair? that depends on the current condition of you hair. if you're doing a rinse it doesn't penetrate your hair shaft as a permanent color would.

What steps do I need to take when dying my hair. the info's in the box. different brands have different instructions. some require mixing, others you just open the bottle and put it on your hair.

Should I deep condition afterwards? Wait 2 days before you DC or use any other conditioner besides what comes in the box. again, rinses don't penetrate the shaft it's kinda coating your strands. Too much oil, etc wil strip the color. In my experience you have to give it a few days before DCing so that you don't lose the color.
What is the best store brand to use? I'm not sure which brand is the best my favorite was colourshine but they have been discontinued. I have used jazzing and clairol beautiful collection I'm sure if you search around you can find many more brands that others use.

How long do I wait until I relax after using? A true rinse which contains no amonia or peroxide can be used the same day as a relaxer if you like. Some actually prefer to do to a rinse at the same time because the cuticle is open and more open to the color.

Will it damage my hair? A rinse will not damage your hair although some myself included have experienced some dryness from rinses because they can coat the hair.

What steps do I need to take when dying my hair. There's not many steps usually a rinse is put on freshly washed hair. Some cream or vasaline should be placed around the hairline to avoid staining. Then once the color has been placed on the hair heat can be used to help it penetrate the hair and last longer.

Should I deep condition afterwards? I'm not sure about that. I don't deep condition with heat right after color because I don't want the color to bleed out but some conditioning after should be good to combat any dryness.

A note about Natural Insticts I plan to use it this month but it's not a rinse. It is a demi-permanent color which contains about a 10 peroxide which helps it reach further into the hair therefor lasting longer but contains no amonia. So if your looking for something that lasts longer and you don't mind the small amount peroxide that could be a good product. Ok I'm just going on and on. I hope this information is useful if you have any other questions feel free to PM me.:)
Thanks ladies. I bought the Natural Instincs in midnight black and it came out great. I can't believe I colored my own hair. I love the shine and it brings out the red in my skin. I think this will be a keeper for me.
longhairluva said:
Thanks ladies. I bought the Natural Instincs in midnight black and it came out great. I can't believe I colored my own hair. I love the shine and it brings out the red in my skin. I think this will be a keeper for me.

Thanks for info .. I was debating on dying my hair black or using Henna ... think I will try Natural Instincs.