I think Im being cursed


Ive been dating this guy for 4 months now and I just found out not to long ago that he is still legally married. I knowhes not seeing his wife and he wants no parts of her but still technically Im seeing a married man. I told him tha I want him to handle that situation but he takes it lightly and I dont. Now I heard anyone who commits adultry is to be cursed. I am paying the price now because now Im having major legal problems and it seems that every thing in my life that can go wrong is going wrong.I cant do tis anymore. Can someone give me scriptures about what can happen like the curses that can come to you for doing this? Im going to write him a letter to tell him how I feel but I need scriptures to back me up .
Ive been dating this guy for 4 months now and I just found out not to long ago that he is still legally married. I knowhes not seeing his wife and he wants no parts of her but still technically Im seeing a married man. I told him tha I want him to handle that situation but he takes it lightly and I dont. Now I heard anyone who commits adultry is to be cursed.

I am paying the price now because now Im having major legal problems and it seems that every thing in my life that can go wrong is going wrong.I cant do tis anymore. Can someone give me scriptures about what can happen like the curses that can come to you for doing this? Im going to write him a letter to tell him how I feel but I need scriptures to back me up .
Honey, you're not cursed :nono:. You may be feeling guilty or even fearful, yet all you have to do is repent. Turn away from this relationship and never look back. Just keep moving on in Jesus.

I will admit that being in sin does have it's consequences and at times it will open the door for the enemy to come in with challenges, but God delivers us from all evil. He is our Redeemer. And He is redeeming you from all evil.

From this moment on, do not ever call yourself 'cursed' again. There's is no truth in it. You are simply aware of the sin and all you have to do is cut it off; come out from it and move on into your Blessings in Jesus.

Okay, Precious One?

I am sorry that happened to you. The gentleman really should have been honest with you about the situation before your feelings got involved. I fully believe that God will give you the strength and guidance to get through this. Here are some Scriptures that may support you in your communication with the gentleman:
James 4:4
Prov 6:32
As far as curse...how were you supposed to know about his marital situation before now? Also, please remember that all of the test and trials that come at us are not necessarily curses or punishments. Sometimes, we just need to understand the lesson that God wants us to learn. Please trust in your Heart that God loves you as His child and Lords knows that none of us are perfect. Sorry this is so long and I know you asked for Scriptures for the guy, but I want to share scriptures for you also:
Psalm 41:9-13
Isaiah 33:17-24

I am sorry if he hurt you. I will pray for your restoration, if you don't mind. Also, I hope I have not offended you, but I just wanted to write what was on my heart.

God bless you!
...repent. Turn away from this relationship and never look back. Just keep moving on in Jesus.

I will admit that being in sin does have it's consequences and at times it will open the door for the enemy to come in with challenges, but God delivers us from all evil. He is our Redeemer. And He is redeeming you from all evil.

...all you have to do is cut it off; come out from it and move on

yea, just get out. acknowledge your sin before a righteous God (repent). and, never look back. yup.
Well, let me say that curses are real BUT so are blessings.

In Proverbs, like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, a undeserved curse does not come to rest. Proverbs 26:2.

So, if there is a curse on you then it can be broken in the name of Jesus Christ. If you've knowingly been fornicating or doing anything that you believe is wrong, then just repent from your heart. Do this before you start breaking the curses.

I've broken stuff over my life and was only able to do stuff one I got real with God...meaning I wasn't playing one foot on God's side and then still trying to indulge in the world. But what I said was, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I come against every curse that may be present on my life throught the precious blood Jesus Christ and with the sword of the spirit I sever every soul tie and curse that may be attached to my life believing that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I condemn every tongue that rises up against me in judgment because this is my heritage because I am a servant of the Lord and my vindication comes from him."

After this, breaking of the curses I replaced them with blessings. I blessed myself in the name of Jesus Christ to be in the center of God's will.

Destroying Curses Let it be understood that this prayer should be prayed only after confessing your sins before the Lord Jesus Christ, according to I John 1:9.
Lord Jesus Christ I ask You according to John 14: 13 & 14 to destroy all curses where I have given demons legal ground to operate, any curses pertaining to areas such as being accident prone, chronic financial problems, chronic sickness, mental illness, repeated miscarriages, & serious marital problems.
Lord Jesus Christ I ask You to destroy all Spoken Curses of : Death and Destruction, Destruction of the Family Priesthood, Jezebel, Poverty, Pride, Sickness and Infirmity, Vagabond, Whoredom, and Witchcraft.
Lord Jesus Christ I ask You to destroy all Curses resulting from : iniquity, perversion, sexual perversion, financial perversion, religious perversion, spiritual perversion, behavioral perversion, familiar perversion, perverse speech, cursing another, sorrow of the heart,
all curses resulting in the destruction of the mind, destruction of finances, destruction of the body, destruction of marriage, and destruction of family, all curses from the womb, curses affecting the household, curses from generational lines coming down from both the father and the mothers family lines, all curses from any demonic avenues and doors that have opened into my life, all curses of _______, _______, _______, and _______. Destroy these curses along with any darkness, darts, arrows, stings, claws, spears, lies, evil imprints, false memories, twistedness of the mind, perverse thoughts, pollutants, wrong mind sets, ungodly belief systems and ungodly beliefs that have come from those curses, cast those evil things into the Abyss, along with any replacements thereof trying to come back on _________ throughout the rest of this day and into tomorrow afternoon.

found this at THIS site.
I hope this scripture helps you:

Galatians 3:10-14

10 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law."
11 Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, "The righteous will live by faith."
12 The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, "The man who does these things will live by them."
13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."
14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.