If a stylist does a good job with a service once...


New Member
does that mean that he or she will do it again?

I ask because I am eight weeks post, and I will be getting a touch-up either at week nine or ten. I went before to this salon, and I needed a trim and touch-up. I was so scared about the trim, but the beautician promised me that she would only take off what I asked. She kept her word, and my hair did not even look like my hair:grin:. It was great, but I am concerned that she might take off too much in the future. I have self-trimmed, but it just didn't look as good. Do you think I should let her trim my hair again?

(I have had a history with split ends even after using LHCF techniques. That is why I am willing to do a half inch trim every eight weeks or so).
why wouldn't you?

logically, if she had done a horrible job, you most likely would not be contemplating going for a second time with the hopes that maybe she'll do a better job...right?

so if she has done a great job the first time, then that seems like the best indicator of her future work. good stylist are hard to find, I would say test her out again, and if she does an equally impressive job then keep her as a stylist :)
Just be very clear with what you want. Even with your relaxer let her know that SOME stylist have smoothed the relaxer onto your already relaxed hair and you don't want that at all. Let her know that you want a half inch trimmed only. Show her what a half inch is to you with your fingers. Ask her to show you the hair after her first snip, if she snips too much tell her to stop you'll get your hair trimmed elsewhere. Be direct. It's your hair.

I think she sounds nice and will do a good job for you. But I do all my trims myself and texlaxing because if anyone messes up my hair it's going to be ME. (laughs)
I second Lana. My bad relaxer experience (that luckily I didn't suffer any loss or after affects from) came from a stylist I was going to for months who I thought was great about hair care and I had so many pleasant experiences from. She lead me to believe one thing (she was just going to comb through, after I said "You are just going to apply it to new growth, right?!" and she ended up applying to new growth then reapplying to the length of my hair before I could say anything about it. She kinda made it clear that "This is the way I do touch-ups, like it or leave it" well I endured it but definately 'left it'. Haven't been back, but some things you must find out for yourself, everyones different. And if you have nothing but good things to go off of, I understand you being trusting, just want to let you know it's not always an indicator that they'll ALWAYS do a great job. Good Luck!