I'm in love!


New Member
I have used ORS paks before and I luved them but today my hair was just not acting right so I decided to do a john frieda clear shine and poo and con with my new additions to the family J/A/S/O/N with biotin which I got on sale for 4 dollars:grin: at a health food store! Anywho I am trying to get preggars so I figured I try some natural stuff, I also picked up Giovanni spray leave-in and the creame and peppermint essential oils:lick: So I washed with my new items and loved them instantly, then to help my hair get some act right I used my trusty and beloved ORS pak, I sat under the dryer for 40 minutes and let me tell you my hair was like butta! Still being a newbie I have been trying lots of products and I am finally getting my reggi tight and this will be my one, my only, my everything!when it comes to DC'ing well most of the time:lachen::lachen: I am so bad now that when I go to wal-mart I clean them out of thier paks!
:lachen::lachen:. I was just about to post a love note of my own. But mine is to Nexuss Humectress. I DCed with it yesterday and girl my hair has never felt this silky and moisturized! I think I just found my staple con.
:lachen::lachen:. I was just about to post a love note of my own. But mine is to Nexuss Humectress. I DCed with it yesterday and girl my hair has never felt this silky and moisturized! I think I just found my staple con.
Oh snap!!! I forgot to mention tat I used suave humectant which is like the nexxus after I rinsed out the clear shine because my hair felt kind of ehh so I used a little and rinsed and beautiful!! Oh wow I need help!:lachen::lachen:
Cosign on that ORS-that product has performed consistently well everytime I've used it. I find them the cheapest at Kroger ($1) and I generally take the whole box when I run low. I get a couple of :spinning: but I DON'T CARE-they're not as bad as the looks I get when I stock up on MN:lachen: