Im so feckin pi$$ed!!!


New Member
Sorry!!! SO i was going to get my hair relaxed this week and thought I would get a treatment done first to get my hair in tip top shape.
So I had it pre treated, massaged and washed and conditioned, she asked if i wanted a trim, i said no, she asked again i told her no, she said that my ends didnt look right. I told her i would have them trimmed after my relaxer but she was adamant so i became parnoid and thought damn they must look real bad so i said ok just a little trim and said NO MORE THAN A TRIM!!
next thing she hands me a piece of hair thats nearly 4-5 inches long...i was like wtf is this?????? she said your ends are really bad....i said these arent bad ends these are relaxed ends...i have about 7-8 inches of new growth and had about 4-5 inches of old relaxed ends.
i cant believe she couldnt even tell the difference|!!!!
i was furious and just walked out without paying
she practically gave me a big chop.
i cried all the way home and told my sister and we agreed i needed to get rid of the rest of the old relaxed ends so i have.
Im back up to nearly BSL.
I'm just well i dont even know how i feel...i'm not even mad anymore
i had to vent.


I'm sorry this happened to you:(
It seems like a rite of passage around here. A stylist has to have somehow butchered your hair! Now you know not to trust most of them switches! They are evil! :lol:
I'm so sorry RachiQUe- what a cow, i would have cried too and then punched her.
Is this your regular stylist? I don't understand why she wanted to trim before the relaxer- isn't it normal to do so after? And the important question what did her hair look like?
RachiQue said:
Sorry!!! SO i was going to get my hair relaxed this week and thought I would get a treatment done first to get my hair in tip top shape.
So I had it pre treated, massaged and washed and conditioned, she asked if i wanted a trim, i said no, she asked again i told her no, she said that my ends didnt look right. I told her i would have them trimmed after my relaxer but she was adamant so i became parnoid and thought damn they must look real bad so i said ok just a little trim and said NO MORE THAN A TRIM!!
next thing she hands me a piece of hair thats nearly 4-5 inches long...i was like wtf is this?????? she said your ends are really bad....i said these arent bad ends these are relaxed ends...i have about 7-8 inches of new growth and had about 4-5 inches of old relaxed ends.
i cant believe she couldnt even tell the difference|!!!!
i was furious and just walked out without paying
she practically gave me a big chop.
i cried all the way home and told my sister and we agreed i needed to get rid of the rest of the old relaxed ends so i have.
Im back up to nearly BSL.
I'm just well i dont even know how i feel...i'm not even mad anymore
i had to vent.



awww man thats messed up... I really feel for you girl... she lucky b/c my girl would have felt my fist in her face :ohwell:

I'm glad you didn't pay tho :look:
Guyaneek said:
I'm sorry this happened to you:(
It seems like a rite of passage around here. A stylist has to have somehow butchered your hair! Now you know not to trust most of them switches! They are evil! :lol:
Pretty much. Except it happened to me more than I care to count.
:mad: Reading this makes me so angry, cuz it happened to me, too. Well she didnt cut as much as your stylist did, but I was still sad about it. Im sorry.
I am so sorry this happened to you. They make you wait, yap all up in your ear, make snide comments, jack up your hair and have the nerve to overcharge you. I was clapping when I read you walked out without paying.

On the bright side, now you have fresh ends. HUGS:)
First, sorry that happened to you. :(:mad: Second, :yay: if more people got up and walked out that mess would stop happening. Way to go!
thanks you guys for all your support, i'm just bubbling up with anger inside right now I seemed to have been at BSL forever then my hair grew really quickly after getting my diet sorted. She isnt my usual stylist, my stylist is great shes a friend but this was her "assistant" who she is training up; my friend wasnt there today but i didnt even think since i thought it was just a treatment...thought any tom dick or harry couldnt do that!!!
my friend is white this chick was indian with gorgeous hair down to her waist so i really didnt question it that much...
arrgghhhhh i'm ready to go back there and scream at her but i i'm too chicken!! lmao i can keep it together but when i lose it...i know i'd be in serious trouble!

Thanks again...i dont know where id be without you all.. *hugs*

RachiQue said:
thanks you guys for all your support, i'm just bubbling up with anger inside right now I seemed to have been at BSL forever then my hair grew really quickly after getting my diet sorted. She isnt my usual stylist, my stylist is great shes a friend but this was her "assistant" who she is training up; my friend wasnt there today but i didnt even think since i thought it was just a treatment...thought any tom dick or harry couldnt do that!!!
my friend is white this chick was indian with gorgeous hair down to her waist so i really didnt question it that much...
arrgghhhhh i'm ready to go back there and scream at her but i i'm too chicken!! lmao i can keep it together but when i lose it...i know i'd be in serious trouble!

Thanks again...i dont know where id be without you all.. *hugs*


maybe you could report her to your friend... so you wont do that mess to someone else. Its terrible how stylists can jack someone up w/o being reprimanded
Oh man, I would be so ticked off! I'm sorry that happened to you. It was good you walked out. Why the hell do some stylists do this??!!!
sweetwhispers said:
I'm so sorry RachiQUe- what a cow, i would have cried too and then punched her.
Is this your regular stylist? I don't understand why she wanted to trim before the relaxer- isn't it normal to do so after? And the important question what did her hair look like?

Now THAT is a definite "no-no". :nono:

One NEVER trims BEFORE a relaxer and if she attended a hair dressing school, I'm sure they would have taught her that!! You can file a complaint with the State Licensing Department!! I'm SO glad you walked out without paying...she didn't deserved to be paid because she doesn't listen to her clients. That's what's wrong with some hairdressers, they don't care about your hair, they care about that money!!!

Her license should be REVOKED!!! :mad: :mad:
I would have walked out without paying too! I can't believe how some of these hairdressers have the nerve to cut more than they were told. I'm pretty satisfied with my current stylist, but we would have to battle it out if he did that to my hair. I feel your pain though, I've had many crying spells after getting chopped.
*runs into thread screaming*

{{{Rachiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....}}}
that b*(&(&(& did NOT do that to our, I mean your hair!!!:mad:

I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry chica!!!:(

{{{hair hug}}}

RachiQue said:
thanks you guys for all your support, i'm just bubbling up with anger inside right now I seemed to have been at BSL forever then my hair grew really quickly after getting my diet sorted. She isnt my usual stylist, my stylist is great shes a friend but this was her "assistant" who she is training up; my friend wasnt there today but i didnt even think since i thought it was just a treatment...thought any tom dick or harry couldnt do that!!!
my friend is white this chick was indian with gorgeous hair down to her waist so i really didnt question it that much...
arrgghhhhh i'm ready to go back there and scream at her but i i'm too chicken!! lmao i can keep it together but when i lose it...i know i'd be in serious trouble!

Thanks again...i dont know where id be without you all.. *hugs*


I think she is just thinking, "Oh it is just hair it will grow back just as quick as mine does."

And even though your hair may, it wasn't her right to do that big of a trim without you requesting.

And I think Indians have different diets than the average American which may make their hair grow more inches per month.
Nazarite27 said:
Now THAT is a definite "no-no". :nono:

One NEVER trims BEFORE a relaxer and if she attended a hair dressing school, I'm sure they would have taught her that!! You can file a complaint with the State Licensing Department!! I'm SO glad you walked out without paying...she didn't deserved to be paid because she doesn't listen to her clients. That's what's wrong with some hairdressers, they don't care about your hair, they care about that money!!!

Her license should be REVOKED!!! :mad: :mad:

And I bet she charged $150 for all of her "services" too.

My stylist charges $40 for a trim meaning two inches when my hair was between apl and bsl. I can only imagine the fee for washing, conditioning and trimming hair longer than MBL. Oh and on top of that she got a relaxer.
I am sooo pissed reading this thread!:mad: I mean WTF!!! How is she gonna cut that amount of hair, after you were being so resistant about it and then call it a trim!!!???? I would have had your back girl.... and ended up behind bars! Thats why I cant go with my girls or my sister for any type of trim or cut cause I'll wild out!! Thats simply an injustice that I can't get over.
MonaLisa said:
*runs into thread screaming*

{{{Rachiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....}}}
that b*(&(&(& did NOT do that to our, I mean your hair!!!:mad:

I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry chica!!!:(

{{{hair hug}}}

mo mo!!!! lol @ our hair!
*hugs* girlie i'm so mad right now its crazy...I'm trying not to think about it cuz I'm just winding myself up!!!
Thanks chica!btw your hair is growing too!!!! yay!!!!
chica_canella said:
And I bet she charged $150 for all of her "services" too.

My stylist charges $40 for a trim meaning two inches when my hair was between apl and bsl. I can only imagine the fee for washing, conditioning and trimming hair longer than MBL. Oh and on top of that she got a relaxer.
She had said £40 for the treatment friend charges me £35 for a full relaxer (half price for me)
Andreainnis: thanks girlie...I had to laugh at your post though...that you cant go with your friends...I'm like too I'd kick up a fuss and say wtf are you doing??? then its on! lmao
You guys make me feel so loved...*hugs*

A word of advice to everyone:

Please don't EVER EVER EVER let someone you don't know near your head with scissors. Especially not a "trainee"! There have been too many hair horror stories to mention.:ohwell:
chica_canella said:
And I bet she charged $150 for all of her "services" too.

My stylist charges $40 for a trim meaning two inches when my hair was between apl and bsl. I can only imagine the fee for washing, conditioning and trimming hair longer than MBL. Oh and on top of that she got a relaxer.

It's a damn shame!! When I went to cosmetology school, we were taught about this. Hmm...that makes me wonder if the sylist is even licensed?

If so, I stand on my word....her license should be revoked ASAP!! :mad:
