Introduction + praise 2 the Ladies of LHCF!!!!!! *PICS*

Beaute Noire

New Member
Hey Chicas!!!!!!

I'm Si, a newbie to hair care forums with relaxed 4a/b (more b than a lol) collar bone length hair. Firstly I want to say I am soooooooooo happy to have found this forum (*cheesing*)!!!!!!!!!! It's so funny because I recently began taking care of my own hair and I googled 'black hair care forums' and LHCF had the most hits so I was life F it, lets check it out....

O.M.GEE, I have been addicted ever since :love2: !!! So I lurked and I lurked and I lurked...and I thought, I need to Subscribe so I can be part of this wonderful community of FIERCE ladies, hookin' up their do's :grin:. Well I am so happy I did because IMO this is truly the gem of ethnic haircaire.<<I've even been telling my fam/besties to get in here and check it out. What I love about LHCF is the support and friendly environment that you ladies provide on a daily basis...yo on the real that is really hard to find nowadays on a forum because the ish can get nasty!!!! I also love that I have pretty much learned something new EVERYDAY from reading new/old threads and archives...AMAZING!!! keep up the wonderful work Ladies!!:up:

Now onto the hair:
So my HHJ started about 6 months ago when I decided I'm not going to weave up anymore. I had been wearing glued in tracks consistently for about 7 years (horrible I know), rarely wearing my real hair out or even giving it a chance to breathe. Lets backtrack for a sec: My hair is very very very thick, always has I mean each individual strand is thick, plump and very coarse. Through childhood and adolescence my hair was super healthy...permed up by age 12 but my mom always sent me to the Salon every week, reg trims, DC etc. It varied between SL and APL, sometimes I would cut it because I've always been one who gets bored with a style quickly!!! So everything was good until I got to highschool and found my love for boys and weaves lol! Oh I was a hot mess. I started neglecting my hair and this is when I first started gluing pieces, quick weaving, full glue-ins etc. The damage I was doing to my hair didn't matter to me because I NEVER wore it out anyway....I will tell you one thing, human hair is so resilient because despite the abuse I was doing, my hair still remained thick and in OK condition.

Fast-track to one yr ago....I had a cap-weave installed and when I removed the cap from my head, my entire hairline came with it. I was devastated because this was the worst damage I had ever done to my hair. My hair was ripped out by the glue and the elastic cap was so tight on my head that it pulled out all of my baby hair and replaced it with scar tissue!!!! :nono: I literally cried for days when I looked in the mirror (sometimes I still do). I covered my hair up with a scarf and wore that for like 3 months. It really affected my self esteem, school, and my relationship with my man. SO I called my stylist and told her what happened and she told me to come in asap but I was like f that. I didn't go see her for another 3mos ...just couldn't bring myself to do it! I was still so angry with her!!!!

When I finally went in to see her she cried when she saw the front of my hair. lol we were some blubbering fools up in there that day...I got over my anger because harboring negativity is unhealthy and I loved her, I had been with her since I started weaving up years ago so she was like family! Well with her TLC, my patience and prayer, my hairline healed and the hair started growing back. But I'm a stubborn *** aries so I continued to glue weaves in my head. But I never got a cap weave again, and even installed/removed properly, I DO NOT recommend them!

Finally after all of the drama, the constant shedding, the thinning, and most importantly: the awful damage to my hairline, I decided to really start to take care of my hair and this meant RIP to my beloved weave glue. I also started doing my research on healthy hair care/home hair care. It has been a crazy journey for me because emotionally, I was so used to the long 18in weave look. lol I think I went through weave withdraw because even now 6mos later I can't look at the beautiful packs of hair in the bss without out suppressing a craving<<<haha I sound like a crack head but oh well weave was my fix.

But when I feel like that I look in the mirror, and today I can say I LUV my hair!!!! Ladies I started from ear length, no nape, and jacked up edges...and now my hair is even all the way around and CB length!!!! A year ago I thought I would be a prisoner to hats and head wraps for the rest of my natural life. I wear a bang because as I said before, my hair line is still pretty badly damaged but I like it! it's cute and it's growing out fast so now I'm rocking the fly sidebangs.

I will say that this journey has unleashed my inner PJ something awful. My BF thinks I'm psycho because I own like 12 flatirons and when I try a product, I usually end up trying the entire line. In my next thread, I'm going to do a huge product review of all the swag in my closet, giving my HONEST opinion and what works for me.

I know this post is stooopid long but hope it wasn't boring and in the future I will (try to) make way shorter posts haha. Just wanna say thanks again ladies for your inspiration and wisdome!!!!

The pics I enclosed are some of my fav weaves...enjoy!


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What an awesome testimony! Welcome to the board! You and your hair look great! Keep up the great work!

Sorry to hear about your hairline, but your hair looks great in your pics. If your hairline is still damaged you may want to look into emu oil. I can't attest to whether it works or not because I just started using it myself, but studies have shown that it can "wake up" damaged follicles and get them producing hair again, and that might be helpful to you (so you don't have to wear a bang for the rest of your life if you don't want to). Here's a thread about it:

Also people have had success with essential oil mixes and the use of castor oil. I know there's an edges and nape challenge going so you may want to check it out for ideas.

Anyway, glad you joined in and happy hair growing!
Welcome! Cute pics. I scrolled down to look at the pics first then read your post. LOL!

Glad your hairline grew back. are too cute!!! lol @ you found your love for boys and weaves in high school.
My hair was ripped out by the glue and the elastic cap was so tight on my head that it pulled out all of my baby hair and replaced it with scar tissue!!!!

Oh you poor child! I would've been crying right along with you!
But anyway, WELCOME!!! And don't worry about the beloved weaves. After you become a DIY'er you will have hair prettier than any weave out there LOL I'm glad you're doing much better now.
Thanks so much for the welcome ladies!!!!! lol @ looking at my pics first because I have done that to everyone!!! 2funny...

@msa: thank you, I will def look into that

^^I know yall can tell I twitter alot haha

Oh you poor child! I would've been crying right along with you!
But anyway, WELCOME!!! And don't worry about the beloved weaves. After you become a DIY'er you will have hair prettier than any weave out there LOL I'm glad you're doing much better now.

^^ girl thanks...yes it was ridiculously traumatizing!
Express yourself:yep: Thanks for taking us on a verbal journey of your hair history. I'm so glad you found us!

Don't do as I did for the first 2 years - I stuck only with the hair forum. There is a lot going on here. Enjoy:drunk::spinning::drunk:
You are simply gorgeous and those pictures are too cute!! I am loving your hair!!! Are you sure all the pics are with weave??? LOL. They look great.
Welcome to the forum MonCheriSi. Thanks for sharing your testimony nad how far you've come. You will go even further with continued persistent care and attention to your hair's need.

Your weave pics are beautiful, but if you haven't done so already, take pics of the damaged hairline as well and keep track of your progress as you go along. This way, you'll see and have a real appreciation of how far you've come and how much further you want to go as you continue your hair journey. Believe me, the progress pics help you to stay focused. Concentrate more on health than length for now because that's where it appears your hair challenge lies right now.

Good luck and HHG!
What a sweet story! Welcome to the board Cherie! Even with past damage your hair looks very nice. HHG to you!

Many ladies here have used sew-ins to protective style and retain length and I am sure you'll also be successful!! HHJ