Is it coincidence or is God speaking to me? Please help...


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I was talking with my cousin yesterday on my fathers death on Monday. I was telling her how for the past year or so , I have been daydreaming about his death , along with my mothers death.It isnt like a sleep dream. I will be fully awake and be in a daze or bored, thinking about situations. Almost like a story is being created in my head, like a movie. I had thought about this "story" for a long time. I would be somewhere and somehow my family would get in touch with me to tell me my father passed , then I would get a call not too long after (anywhere from about 2 weeks to about 6 months) telling me that my mother is dead. This dream or story , I cant even explain how it works. Its as if I have made it up myself, but I would never wish death on anybody,so im thinking "where are all these thoughts coming from?" i can be fantasizing about being rich or something silly, and boom the thought works itself in there, and its as if its being layed out like a play or something. I cant fully describe it, but it happens when i daydream.

Anyway , so it actually happened, my dad died on Monday. As I was telling my cousin of my thoughts she told me that the same thing used to happen to her and then eventually stopped. She told me i had a "gift" . So now im scared that the latter part of my daydreaming is going to come true. So far i thought on my fathers death, my mothers death, and mines and I have also thought on miscellaneous people getting hurt or dying in front of me. People that I am cool with in my daydream, but that i actually dont even know in real life. and then boom, I will hear that my friends brother got killed, or roommates bf's friend gets robbed and killed. I have been thinking of my own death since i was in 9th grade. Im not suicidal , but for some reason I have been thinking about the various things that will happen. It is between getting shot, and getting into a car accident. And on my mothers part, either her committing suicide or being killed.

I know i sound like some kind of freak and i know that it is hard to believe, but i wouldnt make something crazy like this up.I had the same daydream about my ex bf's babymothers second pregnancy and she is pregnant as we speak. I dont know if it is just because things set too heavy on my heart, if God uses my creative daydreaming to speak to me. Can someone help me find a bible verse that speaks on prophecies and such? Its creeping me out that situations have unfolded the way i thought them to be. Even scarier that I have not been paying attention to the similarities until now. I have been completely been mistaking this "gift" as just being coincidental events happening. now i feel like every deep recurring daydream i have, i need to tell someone about so if it happens , I dont feel like a weirdo.

I have also had a stint back in highschool with repeatedly seeing the number "22" i have no clue why , i just feel like somehow , there is a connection. I dont believe in psychics and witchcraft and all of that mess, but I do believe in prophets of God. My auntie used to know a lady that would meet you for the very first time and could tell you only things that you would know. she would ask personal questions and hit the nail on the head everytime. She couldnt necessarily "see the future" but she could tell you what type of path you were heading down and what God wanted you to do ,etc. Can someone please , if you can , explain to me what is happening? Is there anything in the bible that would help me understand this better? I know there has to be...


New Member
You are not a "freak" or a "weirdo", but sensitve to the Spirit. Your "daydreams" are actually "visions". I'm not sure of your spiritual background, but pray and seek God for interpretations. Some visions/dreams, but not all, are warnings before destruction.


Well-Known Member
You certainly are not a "freak" or "weirdo." I would definitely seek God in this area. I would also suggest that you begin to intercede (pray)for those who are the focus of the visions.

It is very important that you are in the right place with God. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself spiritually. This will ensure that you are strong enough mentally, physically and spiritually to do God's work.


Well-Known Member
I think God is talking to you. Pray and ask HIM how HE would have you to use this gift.

Also, God deals with me by showing me the number “22”. For a while whenever I would look at the clock it would be the hour and then 22 minutes. When I’d wake up in the middle of the night that is what the clock would say. At the time I was 22 years old. Later on HE started using the number 27. So, I would look at the clock and it would be 22 minutes past the hour. The next time I’d look at the clock it would be 27 minutes past the hour. Just so happens that the man I married was 27 at the time. About a year later when he and I were dating he got a new cell phone and the last four digits of his number was 2227.


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I was baptized in St. Croix when i was 8 years old. And i go to church whenever I can get time. sometimes my work hours wont permit , but then i just go during the week or something. My grandmother (the one who passed a few weeks ago,my fathers mother and my namesake) used to make us go to church with her on Saturdays. She was a 7th day adventist and it was while staying on the island of St. Croix with her, when i decided i wanted to be baptized. My whole family on that side is very spiritual. Most of them dont frequent church, but they are forever seeing things in home videos and signs and different things like that in pictures and stuff. I dont get to see them often , but whenever we get together, we start reminiscing and they start making connections to past situations. For example, my cousin died a long time ago when she was a little girl. I wasnt born yet, but she was about 3 years old. my aunties apartment caught on fire and everyone was able to get away , except for her and she died. We were watching a old home video before that accident , of her sitting on my aunties lap, pointing up and gibbering about angels. And from watching that they figured that was who she was talking to, as if she knew she was leaving early.

Its crazy. My roommate (which we were not on speaking terms with each other for about a month and a half) came to me Monday and we chatted. I found that she is pregnant and she is mad paranoid about our living situation ( we've been renting a house in the hood but the lease is up soon) her bf's friend got robbed and killed this past weekend. Her bf was shot a few years back and still jumps in his sleep , etc. and has been seeing the dude that shot him everywhere he goes. Anyway, she says that she keeps getting gut feelings that something is brewing. And she is not a christian perse, but she says she has been going to church as much as possible . What got me is just how paranoid shes been acting, and we keep telling each other to stay prayed up .She doent feel safe in the house anymore for some reason and keeps telling me that if i hear the slightest sound , to come tell them , because she is nervous .We've been in that house for 8 months with nothing bad happening, so i am taking everything she says as a warning to get out asap.

Anyway, please pray for me. I go to ATL this weekend for the funeral , and I just need strength to face this and go through this with a sound mind. I will continue to keep praying as much as possible, but i wish I had the answers to what is going on.its hard to explain my visions to people because they dont understand me at all.


Well-Known Member
mrselle said:
I think God is talking to you. Pray and ask HIM how HE would have you to use this gift.

Also, God deals with me by showing me the number “22”. For a while whenever I would look at the clock it would be the hour and then 22 minutes. When I’d wake up in the middle of the night that is what the clock would say. At the time I was 22 years old. Later on HE started using the number 27. So, I would look at the clock and it would be 22 minutes past the hour. The next time I’d look at the clock it would be 27 minutes past the hour. Just so happens that the man I married was 27 at the time. About a year later when he and I were dating he got a new cell phone and the last four digits of his number was 2227.

Yes, i used to see the number 22 everywhere at one point of time. To this day , i havent yet made a connection.


New Member
I understand as my mother has the same visions. She saw things from death to people being pregnant. She can be almost sleeping and wake up and tell me about something she saw like she was actually there in the vision. Like physically she's not there but mentally and spirtually she was there. It's weird because it feels like everyone has 20/20 vision while you have 20/100 vision. I know that's a weird comparison but Like someone said before pray about it and you will be okay : )
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Well-Known Member
thank u :) i will be staying prayed up and im gonna do some more research into prophets in the bible and what God uses them for and ask him what exactly he wants me to do with my going to start writing them down as well.


I just wanted to tell you to make sure you pray for the souls of the people you have these visions about. Your responsibility may be more than this, but at the least it is to offer them salvation before they leave this earth, but be encouraged and don't be afraid of this gift, I have a friend who has this same gift and it's better to accept it as a blessing, not a burden. God doesn't give us gifts unless He knows we can handle them and we can only handle them with his help.