ladies, how do u catch the edges when u cornrow?


I'm a braid novice and I'm trying to learn how to get some cornrow practice as my hair grows out. I'm trying to catch the edges to get the sides of my hair. How is this done? I hope this Q makes sense.:ohwell: Can the braid experts or anyone out there help me?
I have been braiding for over 13 yrs. I used to "catch the edges" all the time. I have ruined too many people's hair line b/c of it. My advice as a braider, DON'T CATCH THE EDGES! use a tooth brush,and some gel, play like it's baby hair :)
Thanks for the advice. I am trying to learn how to do my own braids and natural styles. How did u start out? I can't seem to get my fingers positioned right.:lol:
I agree with ajargon. Back away from the edges.....If you want to keep your edges, leave them alone. I use gel to slick down my edges whether I get them cornrowed or braided.
thanks ladies. i braid my daughter's hair every week and i start off at the edges. i didn't know it was damaging.

ddtexlaxed, this may sound weird but if you have a baby doll you can practice on that. my daughter has a baby "head" with long hair and it's big enough to pretend that it's human. i started as a little girl with baby doll's and my sister's hair.
Thank goodness everyone else mentioned it. I came in here for the sole purpose of posting....


Carry on...

I think you can catch the edges as long as you don't pull them too tight. You can tell if its too tight b/c you will see the bulb of the root looking puffy. Just my cents.
Thanks for the advice, ya'll. I just want to ask the experts how do u braid close to the scalp? I almost have the cornrow thing down, but can't get my braid to lay flat against the scalp.:confused: Help.....:ohwell:
ajargon02 said:
I have been braiding for over 13 yrs. I used to "catch the edges" all the time. I have ruined too many people's hair line b/c of it. My advice as a braider, DON'T CATCH THE EDGES! use a tooth brush,and some gel, play like it's baby hair :)

AMEN! :lachen: Leave them edges be or else they will run away fron home. My edges are the first thing to frizz up but thats okay atleast they are still there :lol: But a lil aloe vera gel on then and keep moving.
DDtexlaxd said:
Thanks for the advice, ya'll. I just want to ask the experts how do u braid close to the scalp? I almost have the cornrow thing down, but can't get my braid to lay flat against the scalp.:confused: Help.....:ohwell:
SO cornrow them... Sounds wierd but make the part a little 'off'. Almost a square but a little longer, like a reqctangle (whichever way you want it to lay) then corn row it down. The cornrowed part may only be 1/4 and inch or 1/2 and ich but the braid will lay down whatever way you braid it.

Thats hwo I get mines to lay a certain way. Liek if you want your braids to have a part I braid everythign on one side of the part one way and everythign on the other side the other way. As you practiev more and more youll learn how to whittle the rectangle down to a square and still make it lay flat whichever way you want it to.