
New Member
Hey ladies,
I just finished my hair and realized my lenght is a HOT HOT MESS.
My hair is so uneven I don't know what to do.

Here is eveyone comes in...please help me out....do I cut it so it's even or just leave it as it is?

Also, what length am I? Do I measure from the longest end or the shortest or say screw it and meet in the middle.


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If you wear your hair out often, I think you should cut it. Trim gradually if you wear curly styles. I had a huge setback a year ago and I grew the part out before I trimmed.
I would say you are definitely full sl. Possibly collarbone length?

I would not trim if the ends are healthy and you don't wear your hair straight or down usually. No one's hair grows out evenly... I would just even it out at a big milestone.
Looks like SL. If your ends are split or damaged, or if you wear your hair down regularly, then I'd say trim. Otherwise, keep doing what you're doing (and take good care of your ends).
Definitely SL.

And I agree with everyone else, if your ends or damaged or you wear your hair down a lot, then trim. Otherwise, leave it.