***LHCF Shout Outs****


Active Member
I've been absorbing some major game from this board and from some of the Veteran members in particular who give very sound and educational advice about hair care.

Soooo just like we call in on the radio and give shout outs.. I wanted to post my shout outs on this thread.

The following members have given mad inspiration, advice and information that has helped my hair florish....

I'd like to shout out Sistaslick, Gymfreak, Sareca, Isis, & Macharieamour. Without y'all this place would not be the same. (pinky swear)

if you wanna give a shout out to someone who went out of their way to give you advice or someone who has offered general information which has helped you on your journey..here is your chance to do it publically...
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