LUST is Da Bomb!!!


Hair Coach
I went to Sally's today and got a sample of the Lust for my daughter's hair and .... I was simply amazed!

It gave her hair so much slip and left it felling like silk. I am going back next week to get the whole jar!

Thanks for everyone that recommended this conditioner. It is definitely a keeper.
That's great! Was the sample enough for all of her hair? I'd like to try this, too but would rather not buy the whole jar to do so. And tend to use a lot of conditioner.
Well her hair is a little past her shoulders and I used the whole packet on it. So it would probably be better if you bought the whole jar.

I just wanted to try it first because I have wasted money on some many other products in the past.
It's a creamy (in a jar) rinse out conditioner. However, I also use it as a leave-in conditioner from time-to-time.
I'm eager to sample this product