Mineral oil free Ayurvedic oils- Product Review


New Member
I ordered some Brahmi oil and Bhringraja oil from Banyan Botanicals.

You have an option for a coconut oil base or a seasame oil base. I got the Brahmi in coconut and the Bhringraja in seasame. I attacted a nozzle to the Bhringraja oil and I just use my finger to scoop out the Brahmi one.

Well, I have been massaging my scalp with the Bhringraja one before washing. This oil has a mild smell and feels very soothing on the scalp. The seasame is a light oil but a little goes a long way. I have smelled other Bhringraja oils and this one has the best smell IMO. It also has no mineral oil.

The Brahmi in the coconut oil base is amazing. I use rub some all throught my head at night on my scalp and my hair is so soft in the morning. My newgrowth is thick but fluffy. This oil also doesn't have a stronger smell and it has no mineral oil.

If you are looking for either of these oils and you want quality try Banyan Botanicals. The oils are fresh and you can tell when you use them. No funny smells or consistency. I ordered mine off of amazon but here is a direct link to their site.

Oh, thank you for that! I've been looking for a place to buy bulk ayurvedic herbs and powders, and that's just perfect!
Thanks gym! I've been wanting to try ayurvedic oils, but all of extra junk in them was a turn off. I'll have to check this place out!
I have just had a look, they also have supplements for hair which has the Bhringaraj leaf (Eclipta alba) **, Amalaki fruit (Emblica officinalis)**, Brahmi leaf (Centella asiatica)**,Hibiscus Flower (Hibiscus rosa)**. ....I would prefer to take tablets than to deal with the powers and what not but I am not sure about buying tablets from a non-reputable source(safety first!)....:perplexed.... has anyone used such pills...i will definitely look into there oils...thanks gymfreak
Thank you! I currently use the oils from Hesh with MOs in them as prepoos and was looking for one that I could add as a leave-in. Gonna order some bringraj now.