Mizani vs. Silk Elements vs. PhytoRelaxer???


New Member
I've been using Motions Herbal for a year or two now and I've decided to switch because: (a) I've learned that it actually one of the worse relaxers for the hair, and (b) my hair doesn't seem to be relaxing as well with it anymore. I have brown 4a hair past my shoulders and I have been self-relaxing for years (therefore I'm not concerned about putting any relaxer in on my own).

I've been reading these threads and wanted to know from you all how you liked each one of these relaxers:

I've heard from some posters that it's too strong and makes the hair feel like straw while others love it.

**Silk Elements
Many posters said they love it, but I'm concerned that some reported that their hair "reverted" (went back to a wavy/unrelaxed state after only 2 weeks or so); plus it's realllllly cheap which kind of worries me because don't we pay for quality?

Some report having great, long lasting results. For those of you who use this relaxer, does it seem that you can go longer between touch-ups? Were the results of the first application good or did it take a few applications before your hair "took" to the relaxer?

Also, do you all think i should stick to Lye relaxers (I know they're supposed to be better for your hair, but the Phyto is a no-lye)?

Sorry for the long post. Any suggestions as to which relaxers I should switch to based on what worked for you all (even relaxers that I didn't list) would be greatly appreciated.

~Jenny :)
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I use Silk Elements and love it. It is the best relaxer I have ever used. I haven't experienced the reversion that some others have and my hair actually feels healthier after I relax. HTH
I prefer Mizani...it makes my hair really soft and shiny...i only let my mother put in my relaxers:lachen: mainly i can't always trust my so-called stylish using Mizani....lol..she may try and switch to a cheaper brand....but mostly mizani because every perm i have always burn my brains out...i haven't yet got any bad results from using it and it been 5 years now....
I just tried SE for the first time yesterday after using Mizani for years. So far...so good. My hair doesn't feel as dry as it does after my touch-ups w/ Mizani. It didn't burn, but my stylist ALWAYS bases me. It got me pretty straight too. Lately I've been experiencing "texture issues" (postpartum related) and my hair is more on the 4b side.

Guess I'll have to wait and see about hair reverting after 2 weeks...:confused:

I've never tried Phyto.