
Well-Known Member
Ladies now that the winter is upon us.... I thought it'd be a great idea to have a thread dedicated to moisture! If you would, please list tips on how to keep ethnic hair hydrated for the winter, how to minimize breakage and shedding, and different ways to retain a proper moisture balance. I'd like for this to be a sort of reference for newbies and veterans alike. There's alot of knowledge on this board and my hopes are that ladies can formulate a regimen that works for them in retaining length, moisture, and overall hair health.
Let's grow some hurr!! :lol:


I've noticed my hair's much dryer in the winter than in summer, so in the last week I've began to use black castor oil on my ends once every 1-2 nights. When I get up in the morning, it's absorbed and my ends feel smooth and healthy. I'm also beginning to use it on the perimeter of my hairline because my temples and kitchen areas tend to be a bit dryer than my crown.
I've actually been over-moisturizing my hair since joining in October!:lol: I've incorporated a daily moisturizer with protein (Cantu Breakcure) into my regimen to help combat the breakage. What I do:

At night:
-Apply Cantu Breakcure throughout hair, concentrating on ends
-Seal with coconut, sweet almond, or jojoba oil
-Baggy (sometimes) or pincurl and tie down with satin scarf

In the morning:
-Apply homemade moisturizing spritz (Elucence conditioner, distilled water, glycerin)
-Seal with one of the oils mentioned above

Sometimes, I'll just rub a few drops of Suave Humectant condish through my hair if I'm in need of quick moisture.
I'm using my same ol' products but I might be a little more heavy handed.

Aveda DR or Vive for women of color (<$2.00)

Keracare hairdress moisturizer
Nexxus Humectress or Salerm 21

kemi, avocado, or amla oil as sealers
I think that I will be bunning and baggieing (is that a word? :) ) for most of the winter. I use Profective Break free and seal with either WGO or Keracare essential oils! Occasionally I use Elasta Mango butter.
Daily: For my natural hair I keep my hair in twists and baggy the ends @ night (in three sections). In the a.m/ I spray w/ a little conditioner/water spritz and bun my ends.

Once a week: For wash day I always pre poo w/cheapo conditioner and oil. I then shampoo and always deep condition w oil and honey added. Then I use a leave in for extra moisture. While my hair still damp, I add some heavy butter (avocado) and twist.
I'm back to pooing & DCing 2x's a wk. using rollerset/flexirod sets as my drying style. This keeps my hair moisturized w/out the need of daily moisture.
Poo- Nexxus Therappee
DC- Nexxus Humectress or Silicone Mix or Miss key 10 en 1 (sometimes I mix them together and lately have been add Castor oil). I also like Emergencia but I ran out.
Leavein- Sedal Hydraloe and one of my favorite oils (Today I used Amla oil), or Humectress w/oil.
Favorite oils to seal- Jojoba, Botanic oil, Africa's Best, Coconut and Amla.
i use kalawentez activator/moisturizer and either elasta recovery or the kalawentez braid oil to seal and then tie it up

and ps i might add mango butter on the ends
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great reminder too for changing our regime a bit for winter!!!

elasta qp mango butter (i love this sooo much) 2x a day

coconut oil

prepoo once a week or 2 x's with hello hydration & coconut milk

deep condition:

use keritin reconstructer weekly

baggy ends with s-curl and a bag