Moisturizers and leave-ins

Stella B.

Well-Known Member
Ladies, I have a question for you. How do you fit moisturizers and leave-ins into your regimens, assuming they are two different products, and each serving a unique purpose? I have been using my creamy protein leave-in as my daily moisturizer forever! Should I also be using a water based moisturizing spritz (more than just water) as well, followed with a good sealing oil? I thought I was moisturizing my hair with the leave-in, but maybe not since it has protein in it...:look: Share how you use moisturizers and leave-ins in your hair routine before I tweak my reggie one more time...Thanks!!!
Good question, cuz this has always confused me a little too.

I use a watery leave-in conditioner on wet hair (to help me rollerset) or when I'm wearing a twistout style (to help me twist and re-twist each night).

If I'm wearing my hair straight, that's when I break out the thicker, less watery moisturizers. I use moisturizer only on my ends before wrapping for the night.
I use my "leave in" after washing and detangling. Then I use my oil and moisturizer daily
Good question, cuz this has always confused me a little too.

I use a watery leave-in conditioner on wet hair (to help me rollerset) or when I'm wearing a twistout style (to help me twist and re-twist each night).

If I'm wearing my hair straight, that's when I break out the thicker, less watery moisturizers. I use moisturizer only on my ends before wrapping for the night.

Barbie, it sounds like you are already doing what I've been thinking about doing recently, and that is to save the leave-in for after shampooing, when the hair is wet or damp, and using a different moisturizing spray on the hair strands each night.
I use my "leave in" after washing and detangling. Then I use my oil and moisturizer daily
The key words here are washing/detangling (wet) hair for when to use leave-ins. The light bulb just went on, thanks yaya24. Do you make your own moisturizers for daily use?
Hmm, i use my leave in as a detangler or skip it altogether. After I DC I detangle and sometimes smooth castor oil over my head into a bun. I don't feel like i need anymore product. I moisturize my ends (the lower 3rd of my strand) and seal everyday.
Hey ladies,

In order to keep hair moisturized during these cold winter, a natural should be using three different types of moisturizer at once. A natural should be using a water based moisturizer such as Oyin Handmade Greg Juice, a oil based such as coconut oil or Qhemet biologic castor and moringa softening serum and a cream based such as Karen Body Beautiful hair nectar or hair milk. The way I use all three is, once my hair is clean and wet I spritz with Greg Juice. After an hour or so, I apply KBB's hair nectar. Lastly once I'm about to twist my hair I apply coconut oil or qhemet biologic. The next day at night I seal my ends with shea butter or mango butter. please remember to only use a little bit of each moisturizer types.

I hope this help.

Thanks for your input so far ladies. Would most of you agree that the leave-in product can be used less often than the all important once a day moisturizer?

..bumping for more responses..
Hey SB!

I use my leave-in after my DC and Prior to Drying. It's usually either a water-based or creamy Leave-In "Conditioner." Used weekly after my Wash/DC Treatment to "set" My Hair.:yep:

My Daily Moisturizer is something totally different. Like a Daily Treatment of Some Sort. Right now, I am using like Qhement or a Butter of some sort or some sort of "lightweight" pomade/grease/cream.

However, If it is a Cream,(especially a water-based daily treatment), I will also seal ends with a bit of JBCO.:grin: