My 4yr Hair anniversary 07'-11...


New Member
It has been 4yrs since I begin my hair growth journey...I have set and reached goals (BSL/MBL),cut my hair,only to aim to reach the same goal,MBL, again. I have mistreated/neglected my hair,due to a hectic work I am back at BSL,but I am happy at this length for now.

I have not been on a consistent regimen,as of late. But starting April 1st,I will return to my tried and true regimen.

I will update this thread with my regimen and pics soon,stay tuned...
While we wait for pics, do y'all remember that man from a few months ago who would end every post with "stay tuned"? They played him HARD in OT.

Please don't use the stay tuned method.. when you post have everything you want to showcase at hand and post completely not in installments!