My Braid Ouch


New Member
has finally cured my PJism. I have some staple products that have worked for me for some time, but of course any time someone (esp. a natural) raves about a product I get this twitching and fall into relapse. Well my latest product I just had to have was mango butter. I read all the posts about the wonders of this product and braid outs, well I tried it, and it was more like a braid ouch :eek: Like they say if 'it ain't broke don't fix it' Now if I could just find a cure for my heataholic nature, I am going through withdrawal now.

No pics of my hair mishap to nervous I will be the subject of a bad hairdo thread. :lol:


Active Member
You have some really beautiful hair. I hadn't ever seen your album until a few minutes ago. Please be careful with that heat. :)


New Member
MeccaMedinah said:
You have some really beautiful hair. I hadn't ever seen your album until a few minutes ago. Please be careful with that heat. :)

Thanks. I have sworn off of heat for now, it did not work to well for me anyway with that horrible reversion I experience if someone just spoke of humidity. 3 1/2 months with no heat and actually loving it.


New Member
CandiceC said:
Your hair is beautiful. How did the mango butter effect your braid out?

Thank you. My braidout looked as if I had stepped out into some serious humidity, granted it did rain today, however, I achieved this look b4 stepping out of the house. By no means am I an expert on braidouts, only tried 4 times, but I know when something is not working for me.


I've decided you officially make me sick. Gorgeous hair, perfect skin AND double dimples- its just not fair :lol: Love your hair I'm glad you found the products that work for you!


New Member
you and your hair=Beautiful...have anyone ever told you that you look like Keisha Knight Pullian (Rudy) maybe it's just me but you remind me of her;) .