My cousins hair


Well-Known Member
My cousin let me do her hair this weekend. It was a hot mess. She has collarbone length relaxed hair. She actually uses a box perm and smooths it through to the ends EVERY TIME! I begged her to let me do it or go to someone. She washed her hair and conditioned it and it was still greasy. She uses grease and gel to hold it down and wears it in a ponytail every day. I asked her why it was still greasy (she's almost 30) and she said she didn't know. I think she needs a clarifying shampoo and I begged her to stop relaxing those edges because they are shorter than 1 inch while the rest of her hair is pretty lengthy. She said she would think about it (sigh).

I'm just telling you guys this because I was frustrated beyond measure. I'm glad I could help her hair, but ohmygod please get some sense!
you can't help her unless she wants to be helped. Let her be. when all her hair falls off in a few months she'll be begging you for advice.
I think the clarifying shampoo will help. I suffered from greasy hair and I know it was because I didnt know what to do with myself except slather grease on my head. I can imagine that the grease and the othe products accumulated over time.

I wonder why she insists on applying the realxer through the ends each time, aren't the ends already straight?
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The next time you do her hair, definitely start out clarifying her hair. Also, keep telling her to ease off the chemicals, it may finally seep in that it is causing her problems. Once she gets her hair conditioned well, she will see that she does not have to use relaxers so often to manage her hair.

It always amazes me to hear how some abuse the chemicals, it clearly says on the box relaxer that it is only to be applied to new growth maybe you can point that out and hopefully she will take it into consideration.
show her the site and let her know how healthy her hair could be. Alot of advice on this site when I first came on I rejected, I was not going to stop what I was doing, Then I realized what I was doing was not working, my hair was not looking any better and I chose to try new things. And I thin that you cousin just needs to let go of her comfort zone and try something else, because what she is doing is not working
happylocks said:
show her the site and let her know how healthy her hair could be. Alot of advice on this site when I first came on I rejected, I was not going to stop what I was doing, Then I realized what I was doing was not working, my hair was not looking any better and I chose to try new things. And I thin that you cousin just needs to let go of her comfort zone and try something else, because what she is doing is not working

I agree, bring her here:)