My mom came to visit.....


Well-Known Member
My mom came to visit and asked for help with her hair. She had gone natural and got me to do her BC last year. She's old school (in her seventies) and perpetually called her hair "BAD"..... which annoyed the snot out of me. Her hair is beautiful. Salt-n-pepper gray and full....but..... She kept saying that it was rough, course, knotty, nappy, that it squats down when she tried to comb it .... and all other sorts of derogatory statements. :nono:

So yesterday she told me that her scalp was itching horrendously and that she had had a bad problem with breakage. I told her what to do and told her that dryness and buildup could be the culprit. I touched her hair and it was VERY brittle and dry, but not as bad as she made it out to be. I clarified her hair, then washed it with Shea Moisture coconut hibiscus shampoo. I used Creme of Nature Argan Oil DC mixed with evoo/castor and had her sit for 20 minutes under the dryer. I blow dried (only because she catches colds rather easy) on medium using Giovanni Deep Moisture conditioner and castor oil. Then used QB BRBC and twisted it up.

Ladies, when I tell you that she was so happy and amazed that her hair actually felt soft, moisturized, with NO BREAKAGE! I think I've changed her mind about her hair. For once, I heard her say that it was beautiful..... just like mine. :blush:

I love my mom. :yep:


Well-Known Member
Aw, that is a wonderful story!! Does she live close by? Any way you can see her once a week and help her out?? Or perhaps she can do these steps herself?


Well-Known Member
Thank you. :)

No, she lives several states away and is in town for a visit. I think I'm going to put a regimen together and surprise her with a survival kit that includes instructions. :yep:


New Member
Awwww!! What a fantastic story! It's so nice that the two of you shared this experience! The fact that you might have changed you mom's opinion about her natural hair is just icing on the cake!

Thanks so much for sharing!


Well-Known Member
That's a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. I love that you are able to share your natural hair journey....together. :yep:


Well-Known Member
That is so cool!

I had a really janky-looking smile on my face while reading your OP (I'm a sucker for charming stories/experiences).:lol:


Kinky Coily 4A, Fine Strands, WSL
I hope others will read your mom's experience and feel more positive about their natural hair as well. Thanks for helping your mom. I'm sure she appreciates you taking the time to pamper her. :)


Well-Known Member
Great Story and Thanks god for you because if you hadn't help her she might have gotten her hair relax or went to a salon that might not would have known how to handle her hair..

I fix my mom those kinds of packages all the time.. Even gave her a booklet of things I learned on the board and printed it out.. She uses it.. That was a while ago but I still give her products that I no longer use and other stuff


Well-Known Member
That brought a tear to my eye. A Wonderful story.

My mum was transitioning from a relaxed hair, but couldn't handle it. So she relaxed it again. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that...I just wish she had spoken to me (like your mum did), before she went to the salon. But I guess, she lives in a different country to me, so the distance was a problem. Boo!

I'm glad you were there for your mum, OP.


Well-Known Member
I almost didn't click on this because I thought it was another "mom ragged on my hair" thread. I'm glad I did - I needed this smile this morning. Thanks for sharing!