Natural and safe hair color- does it exist?


Well-Known Member
My mom is experiencing problems with breakage and dry hair that I am trying to help her solve. I have her on a regimen now but she is still wanting to cover her gray hairs. I think the constant use of color is what has her hair breaking. So I want to know what options we have as far as safe coloring. I read some posts about henna, but it doesn't seem like it offers a permanent black hair color, is that correct? I also read not to use Bigen. So what are the other safe, non damaging color options?
My mom is experiencing problems with breakage and dry hair that I am trying to help her solve. I have her on a regimen now but she is still wanting to cover her gray hairs. I think the constant use of color is what has her hair breaking. So I want to know what options we have as far as safe coloring. I read some posts about henna, but it doesn't seem like it offers a permanent black hair color, is that correct? I also read not to use Bigen. So what are the other safe, non damaging color options?

If you mix the Henna with Indigo than you can achieve a nice, rich black that is healthier than over-the-counter semi-permanent dyes. BUT, if she is already experiencing breakage, then make sure she steps up her moisture game BIG TIME should she decide to Henna.... cuz it can be very drying.

Good luck!!!!
Well, I use SoftSheen Carson's Dark and Lovely (Chestnut Blonde) and I haven't had any problems. I wouldn't call any permanent hair dye safe, though. How you take care of your hair afterwards, is really what matters. Dcing with protein, moisturizing daily...

If her hair is breaking, DON'T COLOR. Wait until her hair is healthier.
Thanks guys..I don't think she is willing to hold out on the color cuz she is so adamant about her grays..but I will look into these coloring options mentioned. Thanks.!