Natural Hair Products


New Member
Hi everyone, I am new to this site. My sister who is a member told me about all the good info she gets from this site and I have to say her hair is looking good. I just recently as in yesterday cut all my relaxed hair off...My hair is about 1/2 inch long. I dont want to get a texturizer, but I would like to know if there are any natural products that would give my hair the same look as a texturizer. My hair is a 4B. Thanks all
Welcome to the board and congrats on your BIG CHOP.

I don't have any suggestions b/c I've never had my hair that short so I'm not sure what would work. There are lots of naturals on this board so I'm sure that you will get more advice then you will ever need
Hey Lady39!

Right after my big chop - my hair was about the same length as yours when I started out natural - I would use some not so good stuff with mineral oil in it, I wouldn't recommend that.

Natural hair butters from places like and and your local health food store would probably be the best place to start.

Olive oil is ALWAYS your friend (unless you notice you're among the few who doesn't get positive results from this stuff).

Nature's Gate products are pretty great and I've also heard good stuff about Bert's Bees.
I cut my relaxed ends after one year and 3 months of holding on. So I was well over 1/2 inch. I know that Carol's Daugter Healthy Hair Butter is good. Some pommades such as Fantasia IC Ice Pommade help, Beeswax helps to maintain a curl even though it is thick! Right On curl activator is good. Really water and any product works decent for me and a scarf ain't too bad either.
The most important thing for me after my big chop was what not to use. Stay away from shampoos with any sort of sulfates they can strip your hair and rob it of moisture. Cream of Nature is good as well as Dr. Bronner's soaps.

I agree with the other products already mention- olive oil is excellent I used it as a preshampoo hot oil treatment. Carols Daughter products are my favorite the Hair Milk was my best friend with my fresh TWA and as my hair got longer I used the HHB. Congrats on your big chop and let us know if you need any further help