Natural Perms


New Member
Has anyone ever heard of or used a natural relaxer? If so how were the results? I need a perm and I want to try something mild. hair type 4b
candy1 said:
Has anyone ever heard of or used a natural relaxer? If so how were the results? I need a perm and I want to try something mild. My hair type 4b and is very porus and dry and breaks really easy I'm natural now but want a perm because my hair breaks anyway. ]
candy1 said:
Has anyone ever heard of or used a natural relaxer? If so how were the results? I need a perm and I want to try something mild. hair type 4b

I've tried three...
BodipHier, Soft n Beautifu Extend-A-Perm, & Culture 7-Day Non-Chemical Relaxer...

They all do the same basic thing: relax the natural curl so that it can be 'handled'...

They all worked for me, the key was definitely to keep the curls moisturized.

The best test is to try them out one at a time.
They don't last once hair is washed except for BodipHier... I forgot why but I just needed to wash & condition & moisturize... It was a package in the mail and I used it twice (the package finished) and I felt that I could go to a store & buy something similar instead of buyig it...
-HTH :look: