NATURALS: here's my spin on the "Joan"; post your SEXY FLUFFY FRO!


Well-Known Member
i've always loved tracee's hair :lick:...most everyone does, no? :yep:



so, i decided to do a spin on her hair to work with my 4a/b texture. this is version one. i have an idea for a second version. :grin:

more pics in my blog and fotki.


close up of the ends:


***post pics of your fluffy dos!***
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Joan's hair is looking a lil texturized to me. It is not as big as it once was.:nono: I still love it, though.
OP...I love the look! But how you gonna come up in here with that gorgeous hairdo and not tell us how you did it? Spill the beans!

OT: The only thing better than her hair is the outfit in the first pic. Fierce!
OP...I love the look! But how you gonna come up in here with that gorgeous hairdo and not tell us how you did it? Spill the beans!

OT: The only thing better than her hair is the outfit in the first pic. Fierce!

sorry! :drunk:

i did it on three day old pressed/blowed out hair.

i twisted my hair up and the next morning when i took my hair down i applied some ic to the ends.

that's it. it was super fluffy and soft.