Naturals - Scalp Issues


Hello. I've recently stopped perming in August 2004, did the big chop in January and started wearing my hair out (vs. under cornrows w/sythethic hair added ) in April. Since then, there's been some "weird" things going on with my scalp. Like I'll get this huge bump out of no where. Then, it just goes away. Now, I've got a sore near my hair line. I don't wear my hair in puffs nor do I wear head bands (hair not long enough yet). I just do the shake and go. I don't put any harmful things in my hair or scalp and I don't scratch it to death causing the sore. It just appears. Like a pimple would on your face. But it hurts!!!

I've been reading a lot of threads lately about naturals and scalp issues. From hair falling out, patches "appearing," sore scalps, dandruff, scalp acne, etc. Yet, no one (that I know of) complained of having these conditions prior to going natural. Including me. Do you think that perhaps the scalp is "purging" the after effects of the chemical from our scalps (kinda like the scab hair theory)? You know, like an internal scalp cleansing or something? Maybe these things have always been there but we constantly kept reapplying the perm every 6-whatever weeks therefore not allowing it to happen. You know? It's just a thought. Anyone feel me out there?

that purging theory could very well be whats going on...i have NO idea...ive never experienced that...well, i do have sores, cuz i scratch my head like a fiend :( i cant help it! anytime my scalp gets wet it itches....

have you talked to a dermatologist about it?
SNyeema said:
Hello. I've recently stopped perming in August 2004, did the big chop in January and started wearing my hair out (vs. under cornrows w/sythethic hair added ) in April. Since then, there's been some "weird" things going on with my scalp. Like I'll get this huge bump out of no where. Then, it just goes away. Now, I've got a sore near my hair line. I don't wear my hair in puffs nor do I wear head bands (hair not long enough yet). I just do the shake and go. I don't put any harmful things in my hair or scalp and I don't scratch it to death causing the sore. It just appears. Like a pimple would on your face. But it hurts!!!

I've been reading a lot of threads lately about naturals and scalp issues. From hair falling out, patches "appearing," sore scalps, dandruff, scalp acne, etc. Yet, no one (that I know of) complained of having these conditions prior to going natural. Including me. Do you think that perhaps the scalp is "purging" the after effects of the chemical from our scalps (kinda like the scab hair theory)? You know, like an internal scalp cleansing or something? Maybe these things have always been there but we constantly kept reapplying the perm every 6-whatever weeks therefore not allowing it to happen. You know? It's just a thought. Anyone feel me out there?


I feel ya... I don't know what's causing it... but newer one is to being natural... I think the more likely a purge is. However... you might want to examine any oils or products that you're putting on your scalp. It sounds like you are getting clogged pores. I agree with Shatani... you might want to check with a dermatologist to be sure.
could it be that ur scalp is sweating cuz its hot out...and the dirt, sweat, and natural scalp oil is getting trapped under the skin??

i didnt know that sores in scalp was a common thing among naturals...
Yeah perhaps I will. I haven't put anything strange on my scalp. Just the usual. Now that I think about it, I haven't put ANYTHING on my scalp. No grease or nothing. Anything that comes in contact with my scalp is just from overlap from my "hair." And I only use the fantasia IC gel, glycerin, conditioner, and water. That's it. And I wash my hair once a week so I can't imagine build-up. Plus I rinse and CO wash every 3 days. I don't know. I'll make an appt. now. I'm sure I won't be seen for 3 months anyway!!! I don't now what's up with dermatologist and their schedules these days.

Anyway, I just mentioned it because I've read other posts with other folks complaining about recent scalp issues and they're also natural. I was just relieved that I wasn't the only one.
I've never experienced all this stuff that's happening to naturals. I stopped relaxing October 2004 and haven't had any scalp issues. I only get minor sores if I scratch too hard from itching. It could be your scalp excreting toxins from previous chemicals from relaxers, I dunno. But I agree with Shatani, you may wanna see a dermatologist if it's a serious problem.
Could it be that your scalp is dry? I don't know how the weather is there... but glycerin attracts water to your hair... unless the air is try ... then it draws water out of your hair and makes it dry. Maybe the same thing is happening to your scalp...
SNyeema said:
Yeah perhaps I will. I haven't put anything strange on my scalp. Just the usual. Now that I think about it, I haven't put ANYTHING on my scalp. No grease or nothing. Anything that comes in contact with my scalp is just from overlap from my "hair." And I only use the fantasia IC gel, glycerin, conditioner, and water. That's it. And I wash my hair once a week so I can't imagine build-up. Plus I rinse and CO wash every 3 days. I don't know. I'll make an appt. now. I'm sure I won't be seen for 3 months anyway!!! I don't now what's up with dermatologist and their schedules these days.

Anyway, I just mentioned it because I've read other posts with other folks complaining about recent scalp issues and they're also natural. I was just relieved that I wasn't the only one.

Have you recently switched products which may be causing an allergic response? Sometimes it takes a few weeks for the body to mount an allergic response. It does not always happen right away. Anyway, I second having you see a dermatologist. Until then, I would say use a mild shampoo and conditioner. Something without the perfumed smells. I have no suggestions though, maybe others do.