Naturals: Setting Lotion?


New Member

I've been looking at natural folks' regimens here and on YouTube, and I haven't heard mention of using setting lotion when doing twist outs/wet sets. Can anyone suggest to me why that might be? Is it redundant/not needed? Does it cause too much build up? I'm just curious because back in the day when I had a texturizer (10+ years ago) and I rocked twist outs, I found setting lotion to be a life-saver in making sure than my crimps stayed put for at LEAST a week.

I'm now putting together a regimen that's making me a bit nervous in terms of buildup though. Basically, by the end of my weekly wash, I'll have the following in my twists:

1. Leave-in Conditioner
2. Shea Butter
3. Coconut Oil
4. Setting Lotion

Is that too much?...
