New product alert


New Member
I was in Walmart today( well Im there EVERYDAY but thats another issue) and of course stopped thru Beauty aisle...

good news.......Motions has a NEW oil moisturizer... its was in a bottle clearly marked ______ free.... and now I cant remember what blank said... but it was in a pink bottle and right next to the regular Oil Moisturizer...

I picked up the bottle and compared ingredients.... it was mineral oil free.... had a buncha kinds of cones as the followup ingredients but it started out with goodies like water...

bad news.... it was a small bottle, maybe 8 oz... the regular oil moisturizer WITH mineral oil was next to it... I think it was either 12 oz or 16 oz.... but the 2 were the SAME PRICE ( about $4)...

Why was the good oil moisturizer in the smaller bottle the same price as the bigger bottle of oil moisturizer fulla baddies ( rhetorical question, I KNOW the answer)
It's their oil-free moisturizer. I've been meaning to try this for some time but always end up buying something else.
That's cool.

I actually like their other one with mineral oil. I am not a big daily moisturizer and if I were I would lean towards something natural. But, for quick end sealing and shine I will use things that have mineral oil and I actually like the other one.

I think KhandiB likes that one, too.

But, if this one has no mineral oil it might be even better. I am loaded up on Qhemet right now (not telling tall how many jars LOL). But, I would definitely consider this one if I was in the market for a retail cream I can buy.