Newbie here


Hi I'm new here been lurking for a while and finally decided to join. I just want you ladies to know that you have helped me more than you know. I have never had a problem getting my hair to grow its the retaining length thats my problem. I have only grown my hair to shoulder length then because of all the shedding I go to the salon and have them give me a Halle Berry cut and the process starts over. Its seems the longer my hair gets the thinner it is and the more it shedds, but with the info I am learning here maybe I can overcome that. Well I just wanted to check in and introduce myself and I welcome any advice you ladies have to give. My fotki has a couple of pics, not where I started from but from when I discovered this site and a few others.
Glad to know your here, Feel free to contribute. If your hair grows with no problem then your half way there:grin:
Welcome. I just had to tell you that i got some shikakai and plan on adding it to my henna mix this weekend. I absolutely love the results that you got. Your hair looks gorgeous. You are definitely on the right path.
Welcome. I just had to tell you that i got some shikakai and plan on adding it to my henna mix this weekend. I absolutely love the results that you got. Your hair looks gorgeous. You are definitely on the right path.

Thank you very much, this is new to me and I'd love to see how the henna/shikakai mix comes out. I want to try henna but I'm afraid. My hair color is never the same, one days its brown, then black, and then it looks like it has reddish highlights. So for now I'll wait.