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Hi, ya'll! FINALLY joined the family here after months of lurking. I've tried many of the tips and tricks here, and I've got plenty to share about the condition of my hair the results I've had using various methods. This is loooong as all get-out, but maybe someone will find something useful here.

First, about me and the hair:
I'm 33 years old, with fine, armpit-length hair and growing. I liked to call it thin hair, but I've been corrected repeatedly by stylists who insist my hair only appears to be thin because it's so fine. It's type might be 4a, --new growth comes in nappy, not curly. My hair has always grown quickly and until recently has been very healthy (more on that to come). When I want it long, I just grow it long. I wear it down sometimes, in ponytails when it's time for a wash. I didn't know anything about protective styles until I found this board. Oh--and my hair LOATHES grease. Anything oily, greasy or heavy is an absolute nightmare for me. My hair is full of natural body (can be very annoying, especially when my girlfriends tell me my hair can get a little "bouiffant" despite my best efforts), but because it's so fine it separates easily. I've always struggled with what to do with it and have to keep it in curls; I can't wear straight styles well.

What I do to my hair:
Not much. I have never colored because I like its natural dark brownish-dark auburnish kinda streaky color (years of relaxers lightened my hair). I relax every six weeks; any less often and it's an uncombable rat's nest. The only products I used to put in my hair before The Issues started recently were a good shampoo, leave-in and setting lotion, and MAYBE an occasional light glossing gel for a little shine. I roller-set and sit under a hair dryer, NEVER blowdry or use curling or straightening irons. For the last 25 years or so, my hair has thrived.

Until now.

So what's up with my hair now:
I started the Contract Job from Hell last year, and basically have been going bald ever since. Call it alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, whatever--I call it mortifying, horrifying, terrifying. The women on my mom's side tend to thin at the temples and recede over time, and as I've always had thin temples I knew to expect this. But over the last 8 months, I've thinned so copiously at the edges that I now style like a man--combing over the thinning edges, feeling limited by how I can wear my hair. I am also thinning quite a bit in the top, which is atypical for our family. I want to believe the stress I was under accelerated the hereditary thinning and caused a temporary thinning at the crown as well. That's... what I want to believe, desperately.

What I'm doing about it:
First, I found this site. Here's a breakdown of what I've tried and the results I've seen:
MSM - Took up to 6000mgs of Member's Mark (Sam's Club) for a few months. Noticed nothing, so stopped taking.
Vitamin E - took 400 units for months on end thinking it was good for my skin, until I read that this can cause hair loss. Stopped two months ago.
Biotin - took 3000mgs of Rexall for months with no results. Just switched to Freeda two weeks ago. Face broke out in protest, but I'm sticking with it. Nails growing like weeds, but can't comment on its hair effects yet.
Silica - just started Freeda's 25mgs two weeks ago, too soon to tell. Puritan's Pride offers a whopping 500mgs, and I'm wondering how much is required to see a result.
Flaxseed - taken Member's Mark for months and months. Couldn't tell you if it works.
Saw Palmetto - took for months on end. Hair continued shedding, so I quit these a few months ago.
Calcium - 1200mgs about every other day--can't combine with biotin. Good nail results. Hair? Not sure.
B6 - stopped my canker sores.
Niacin, zinc - shrug.

Obviously the vitamins haven't done much for the shedding. But I will say that I've been growing my hair out for about a year and since I started taking all these vitamins, the hair that is growing seems to be growing enthusiastically. But my hair tends to grow anyway, and I'm mostly focused on stopping the thinning.

Nioxin con and poo- great thickener and good for volume, shed less during wet comb-out, but hair still thinning. I use this about once a week and wonder if I should use more. Kinks up newly relaxed roots.
Surge - hair got veerrrrry kinky on this stuff during the month I tried it. I think that gives some people the illusion it works. For me, it just puffed up my new growth and caused breakage. Used on thinning spots and they stayed thin.
Nexxus Biotin - used for a month. Tingly. Thin spots stayed thin, but seemed to grow in an overplucked eyebrow rather nicely.
T-Gel - stinky, but some EOs cut the funk a bit. Much less shedding at comb-out, but read that over time this will stop working and hair will start shedding again. Don't use this much anymore.

Phyto relaxer - Index 1. Unimpressed. Did this once myself--shocking--and had my stylist apply. Both times I was left a kinky, unsatisfied mess. Made my hair feel a bit brittle as well.
Stretching relaxer - I thought this would give my scalp a break and my hair a fighting chance, so I laid off for about two months. This was the WORST POSSIBLE THING I could have done for my type of hair. For the first time in more that 20 years, I have breakage throughout my already thin hair and damage along the kitchen like you wouldn't believe. My stylist asked me what the hell I was doing and showed me with a mirror the error of my ways. Stretching is NOT for the kid. I just got a fresh, regular ole' whatever relaxer like the old days, and despite having to face the horror of seeing my hair for what it is now that it's all straightened, it's also nice to get a comb thru it. Chemicals aren't good for the hair, but neither is transitioning/stretching for some. Since I never had trouble with relaxers, I'm back on the wagon.

Essential oils: Thyme, Cedarwood, Rosemary, Tea tree, Lavendar. I used this combo for about 3 months on thinning spots with no result, but I still drop this into other products on the hope that it might work over time.

And finally - MTG:
I almost kinda dig the scent of bacon wafting from my head. I've been using this for about two weeks, and wearing a ponytail because it's made my hair an unholy kind of greasy even tho I apply sparingly with my fingertips. It's my last hope, and I've read here it can do some amazing things.

I have not seen major results from any products. I do have a lot of length and growth, but I don't know what, if anything, to attribute that to. I've seen a few dermatologists about my hair and they've been mostly pretty useless. But I continue to try. I've refined my vitamin regimin, figured out what does and doesn't work for me... and have considered last-ditch options like shaving my head if it continues to bald (seriously). I am growing long only because ponytails hide a lot; it's easier to see thinning when hair is short. I'm no longer at the Contract Job from Hell, so I'm hoping that over the next year my hair will begin to repair itself. My stylist told me my follicles are still there, which indicates my hair is most likely in a dormant phase but should grow again... someday, I guess.

Thanks to everyone here (did anyone make it this far?). Such a useful and informative resource! I'll update as things progress.

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I made it to the end too :lachen: Nice informative read! You seem to be a very organized, proactive person:up:

:lachen: @ the contract job from hell. Welcome girl!
I made it through. Welcome, and I feel you on the thinning hair issue. Fighting the same issue here. Got promoted last year. Turned 30 last year. Hair went AWOL (thin, broken and damaged). As you've already figured out, the ladies of LHCF will stop at nothing to help, so you've joined a great family.:)
Blu217 said:
Saw Palmetto - took for months on end. Hair continued shedding, so I quit these a few months ago.
Calcium - 1200mgs about every other day--can't combine with biotin. Good nail results. Hair? Not sure.
B6 - stopped my canker sores.
Niacin, zinc - shrug.


Why cant you take calcium and biotin together???:confused:
sseverin2002 said:
I made it through. Welcome, and I feel you on the thinning hair issue. Fighting the same issue here. Got promoted last year. Turned 30 last year. Hair went AWOL (thin, broken and damaged). As you've already figured out, the ladies of LHCF will stop at nothing to help, so you've joined a great family.:)

co-signing! this is an AWESOME board w/AMAZING ladies! You are in the right place! Welcome to the fam
Welcome! :wave:

I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with thinning. Hopefully the reduced stress will help you out. I would suggest finding a good multivitamin, heavy on the b-complex, especially B5 (pantothenic acid). Look for "stress" or "energy" formulas, as those are generally the ones with good amounts of the b vitamins as well as vitamin c, zinc and other important stress-related minerals. This will also reduce the number of pills you have to take.

I know you said you tried MSM but it may be a brand issue. Did your previous brand contain Lignisul or OptiMSM? Those are recognized as the purest, most potent forms. I bought some Doctor's Best brand MSM (Lignisul) from for really cheap and I can see the difference in my skin already. I'll have to wait to see what it does for my hair, though.
Good luck and welcome again to the board!
I made it through! :)

I had one suggestion, you said you were using "Nioxin con and poo- great thickener and good for volume, shed less during wet comb-out, but hair still thinning. I use this about once a week and wonder if I should use more. Kinks up newly relaxed roots." I recommend using the Nioxin Smoothing for Chemically Treated hair, this should help with any reverting. My mother and maternal grandmother both have thinning hair and I put them on to this. Surge seems to work for me and my mother I'm sorry you weren't having good results with it.

It's good that it seems as if your follicles are just dormant right now, I'm sure they'll wake up soon.
First of all welcome. Now..... Hmmmm..... Well MTG doesnt work for everyone. And you may need to increase your water and maybe stimulate your scalp with a light massage everyday. Also ponytails can do major damage to edges. You may wnana lay off those. Hmmmm.... Im still thinking.... Let me get back to you.

I'm sorry about the thinning. You've tried all sorts of supplements and topical treatments, but have you thought of meditating or some similar technique to alleviate stress? These can be a great help. Best of luck.
Thank you, ladies!

Regarding the brand of MSM I was using, I too wondered if switching to something different would yield a better result. I'll try the brand suggested.

As for my ponytail, I am not a tight tailer in the least. I don't use a brush to smooth my hair or pull tight, just comb it back kinda loosely and either use a clip or a tie to hold it for the day. I can't stand tight hairstyles, but I wondered if even that might be too much. I really don't have any other hairstyle options left, especially now that my back is half broken off. I can't wear it down at the moment. I am thinking of cutting it back to collar length, tho I'd LOVE to wear a pixie for a while! Too bad about my thin edges, otherwise I probably would.

I've got the silk pillowcases too, btw. I tried sleeping without a hair bonnet or tying up my hair, but my hair was waaay too long for that. Works a bit better if I pin it up, but doesn't stay without a scarf. Sigh.

I am trying some other methods to reduce stress. I'm working a great, laid-back gig now, tho I am in the midst of selling a house. But my stress these days is nothing like it used to be (we're talking stomach aches, Pepto, tears, dread, the whole 9 for months on end). I understand that hair loss tends to start 3 months or more AFTER the stressful event, so I'm also wondering if my hair won't be turning around for another few months. The shed hairs have that white bulb thing on the end, which is supposed to mean it's not fatal. I think...

I'm waiting to see on the MTG, but it's clear to me that, at least for me, very few things if anything will work. A bit disheartening, but que sera and c'est la vie. I'm WAY too young and WAY too cute to be bald before my mid-thirties, tho--I gotta get a man first, at least! Seriously, it's hard to face losing your looks so young. I'm hanging in there and trying my best. I just washed my hair with my Nioxin, and boy did it feel sparse... but the African chick on America's Next Top Model sure did look beautiful with her bald head! Hmm....

Oh--and I read that biotin and calcium together may impede each's absorption, but if anyone can verify or correct that, holla.

KEEPING HOPE ALIVE! Thanks again, all...
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The dermatologist's you've visited...were they black? I have the book "Brown Skin" by Dr. Susan Taylor, she's the founder of the Skin of Color Institute and there is some really great information on our hair there. If you wanna send me an email and a work addy or post office box can borrow mine if you promise to send it back to me. I'm serious. I hate to hear stuff like this. *sigh* But the part about the overplucked eyebrow was maaaaaaaaaaad funny! LOL!
to LHCF, Blu217! :wave: LHCF has a wealth of great info that can help you throughout your hair journey! Your posts have displayed just how serious you are regarding your hair. So, you're on the right path, already. HHG!
Welcome. I don't even know what else to suggest. How about wearing a wig or weaving it up for a month and let it be. Braids might not be an option but maybe giving it a 4 weeks break via weaving and avoid any kind of manipulation might slowly bring it back to a stronger state. Hope you will be able to solve the problem soon. I hope it is just the typical hair cycle which will pass very soon.
:wave: Welcome Blu217,
Glad you could join us.
I've read about your issues. I hope you find refuge here as the people are usually very helpful.
~High Priestess~
Hey Creole - HOW sweet are you?? I'm gonna buy that book myself cause I like to reference them from time to time. Seriously tho... the eyebrow... You shoulda seen me all up in the mirror going "Not the eyefur too!" Within about a week tho, the Nexxus filled that pup right in! :) Thank you!

A wig... that's pretty much what I've been having, if not wearing lately. My mom suggested hairpieces, but it just sounds so... Baroque to me: first the wig, then the corset, then the bustle... Talked to my stylist about a weave, but it's been long held that my hair type would be almost impossible to match, and it would probably do more harm than good to try.

After I took out my rollerset the other night, I realized I CAN still wear my hair down. Apparently the relaxer and trim did some nice things, so it's good to feel normal at least, for now. People tell me they can't tell anything is wrong; it's when I part it or pull back and show them that they see. That's the beauty of keeping longer hair on your head--cover-up! The temples are a nightmare, so I just try to avoid any harsh winds that blow my hair around and mess up my arranging.

I'm also hopeful, and suspect, that this is just a really rough hair cycle. I am thinking it won't respond to anything until I heal thoroughly from within. I'd always heard of stress hair loss, but experiencing it is something else.

Ladies, be thankful for the hair you've got. We all love our hair around here, but... just be thankful for whatever you have on your head, in whatever condition. I used to complain about my hair when I had a head full of it. You never know what you got, till it's...
Blu217 said:
I have never colored because I like its natural dark brownish-dark auburnish kinda streaky color (years of relaxers lightened my hair).
Welcome! :wave:
My hair is naturally this color too (even before relaxing) and I love it!

100% carrot juice thickens the hair when consumed daily - only 2 ounces are needed each day. Pantothenic Acid (vitamin b5) is also a natural hair thickener and takes a couple of months before results are seen. It's also present in carrot juice.:)
hello! :)
I made it through!! wow! what a journey!! Have you tried castor oil? It seems to be working for my thin edges---and it has worked for others on here as well.

I wish I had some encouraging words or advice to share--but unfortunately I do not. However, I'm sure you'll find the right combo for your hair!!

The board and ladies are here are tha bomb!!! (as you already know). Just full of a wealth of good info!

Good luck!!
I am sorry that you are having problems with your hair. If nothing seems to be working for you maybe itis something internal. You should try doing a total body cleanse to rid your body of toxins. Once the toxins are eliminated, you should see a difference in your skin, hair and overall health. I think GNC sells total body cleanse kits for about $30. It is a 30 day program but it is well worth your overall health and the health of your hair.P.S. A colon cleanse is also recommended so that when you do resume taking your vitamins, they are more readily digested and absorbed by your body.HTH