Newly Nappie..PLEASE HELP


New Member
Hello Hair growers,

This weekend i did the BIG CHOP..I still have some relaxer on my hair but it would be tooo short to take that off so i will wait.. What I want to know from the natural women is: Can someone help with putting a regimen together for my hair.. I need to know how do i keep my hair nice and moisturised and about using condtioner as shampoo and how often should i wash my hair .. my hair tiype is 3c/4a Ciii.. PLEASE HELP

thank you
you cna start with DC once a week with a moisturizng conditioner. naturla hair tends to need more moisture thna protein, so I would focus more on moisture. aside from DC you can try cowashing and see if your hair likes it, most people use a cheap conditioner for that like v05.

try to avoid or limit shampoos with sulfates because that can make your hair drier. curly/kinky hair tends to be drier.

oh and you cna moisturize once a day with a water based moisturizer. it might take a while to know what your hair likes, the hair thing is a journey especially if youre newly natural, good luck!
May I recommend S Curl the spray as your moisturizer? Then every night, if your hair can be plaited, plait it and baggy your whole head. If not braidable yet, just baggy. This will help to maintain your moisture and you won't need to wet it to comb it in the AM. You may also not need to keep applying your moisturizer. The baggy will keep your hair happy.
:look: I'd suggest you start with a search here, to get an idea of other naturals regimens. It's - difficult - for us to put together the 'perfect' regimen for you with product suggestions, etc, because every head reacts a little differently to products.....

Overall, though, I'd suggest three important points -
1) Moisture. Lots of it. You'll have to figure out what products/ingredients your hair craves/prefers - but if you start out by trying to figure out how to keep your hair moist and happy (even when it's not wet!) it'll make everything else sooo much easier.

2) Gentleness. Hair - esp. when you are trying to grow it long, requires a kind, gentle touch.

3) Patience. It might take a while - 6 months or more - to really 'learn' your hair, and get into a groove of what it likes/wants/needs/will do/won't do. Be patient, and enjoy the learning curve. Expect change, and listen to your hair.

Oh, and a 4th point - Read. A lot. Check out the archives, check out fotkis, check out, run searches - trust me, you'll get more and better answers from doing that than starting 10 new threads would give you. :yep:
Look in all of the natural fotki's you can. But like previous posters, moisture is key. I can't stress to you how important that is and water is pure moisture in true form. Follow JustKiya's advice and you'll be on point.
Congrats on your BC!! :) Everyone's regimen should fit their unique hair needs. I'm not an expert at regimen building but I'll post what I do to my hair. If something looks like it may work for you, try it. If not, find what works for you. ;)

This is from my fotki:

What I do to my hair is simple (I'm just long winded). I prepare my hair for washing by using a pre-poo (adding conditioner to my dry or slightly damp hair for at least 15 minutes—to soften the hair and make it less likely that the shampoo will strip all the moisture out). When washing my hair, I do my first lather when shampooing w/ ORS creamy aloe shampoo (b/c there's hard water where I am now), then I do the second lather w/ Porosity Control shampoo (been using this since before I was natural--it's amazing and detangles great). I finish w/ Dove Intense Moisture Conditioner (dark blue bottle). I detangle in the shower w/ a wide tooth comb (I’ve started using the Jilbere shower comb—but any wide tooth comb works for me really) and a Denman D7 brush---while conditioner is in my hair.

I never detangle my hair dry. If my hair gets really tangly, from wearing it down or something, then I will re-wet the whole thing add some moisture to it (like Kids Organics Shea Butter Detangling Moisturizing Hair Lotion) and gently work out some of the worse tangles. I leave the thorough detangling only for when I am shampooing and conditioning my hair. I feel like I lose a lot less hair this way.

I shampoo 1-2x/week according to how my hair is doing that week. Even so, I probably fully re-wet my hair about 3-4x/week and at least try to mist it with water and reapply some moisture to it everyday. Because I’m often pressed for time, I don’t usually do a full conditioner wash. I usually just wet my hair, smooth conditioner through it thoroughly, wait, and then rinse it out.

After shampooing I smooth on Sunsilk Captivating Curls leave-in conditioner (and maybe a little Cantu Shea Butter leave in repair cream) while my hair is soaking wet (I don't towel dry), then seal the moisture in w/ jojoba oil on the ends of my hair. If I don’t use jojoba, or some other pure oil like castor oil (which is thick and great for pulling moisture into the hair), I really like using Optimum Oil Therapy Hair and Scalp Quencher (it has jojoba oil, olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil). I don't comb my hair outside the shower (it frizzes up my curls). Then usually I put my hair in a ponytail and tie a scarf over it (to help lay down the edges w/o a brush). I air dry.

At night, I always make sure to sleep with a satin scarf or bonnet on. I don’t use cotton or polyester blends because they suck moisture from the hair. Occasionally, if my hair is feeling super dry (which happens a lot more during the winter months) I will wet it, add some conditioner to it, and sleep with a plastic conditioning cap on overnight.

Besides the above, I don't really have a regimen per se. I just try to analyze the state of my hair when I go to do it and tweak things as I see I need them. For example, I don't have a regular clarifying schedule, but if it seems like my hair has been dry, or my products aren't working as well, then I'll do it (I use Suave Professionals clarifying shampoo). I also like using ORS olive oil conditioning packs for my deep conditioning treatments.