OK to use a Neutralizing 'Poo anytime?


Well-Known Member
Hey yall. Does anyone know if it's okay to use a neutralizing poo after any wash (besides after a relaxer)? The reason i'm asking is because when i get my touch-up at a salon, they only poo my hair 3 times. So would it harm my hair if I wait 3 days and then poo again with a neutralizing poo? Just in case my hair still has a high ph?
This is a good topic Mizani Mrs. :yep: I've also wondered this.

However, I remember when I was getting my hair permed by my old stylist she would wash my hair like 8 or 9 times. I just think 3 times is not enough. But I say next time tell you stylists to wash you more then 3 times. :yep:

But to answer your question, I see nothing wrong with washing your hair with neutralzing shampoo after 2 or 3 days after your perm. I've done it before just to be on the safe side and my hair came out fine.
All it does is rid the hair of alkalinity and close the cuticle, which is a good thing. Great for creating shine as well.
I know I read (somewhere) recently that you should NEVER use a neaut. unless it's after a chemical service. It was the first time I'd heard that. Something about stripping the hair of its proper ph. I know I did it when I was relaxed but, then again my hair was a mess so.. :confused:
I don't think this is a good idea. Just last week I relaxed my hair and washed with neutralizing shampoo. I forgot to follow up with a regular shampoo before I condition. My hair was so hard and tangle prone. I could not understand what in the world had happened. Normally after a perm my hair is always so silky.

I proceeded to do 2 consecutive heated treatments for moisture (no protein) and it was still hard. I could not put a come thru that for my life while wet.

The next day, I just had to wash my hair. I did so with normal shampoo and like majic, my hair was back to being ever soft -- before applying conditioner.

So, this leads me to beleive that the neutralizing shampoo, must leave some deposit or something on the hair.

As a matter of fact, I wanted to ask you ladies if you have ever experienced this and what exactly is in that shampoo that made my hair so hard.
I don't beleive it was the shampoo. If you use a no lye relaxer it may calcium hydroxide as the active ingredient. Calcium builds up on the hair, making it hard. Some chelating shampoos will remove calcium deposits and some neutralizers contain chelating agents.

Or if you still blame the shampoo, it is the SLS (sp?). A detergent that is in many hair and household products. It produces foam, but is also drying.
I have also heard that you should not use neutralizing shampoo outside of a relaxer because it does change the ph of your hair and dry it out.
thanks for the info!! i think i'll just do a regular shampoo and deep condition. although i am tempted, i wont give it a try. thanks!
I can only share what I was taught about this in cosmetology school: always use a moisturizing shampoo AFTER using a neutralizing shampoo.
I wouldn't use a neturalizing 'poo all the time because it strips my hair way too much--once every three months after relaxing is quite enough for me! If you're concerned about lowing the ph of your hair, why not try an ACV rinse after using a regular shampoo on your next wash OR use a low ph conditioner. This is why I like affirm relaxer system, both the 5in1 and the positive link conditioners are like 4.5 pH to help bring down the hair's pH even during the conditioning phase. Nexxus Ensure is also a low ph conditioner and I think Porousity Control may be low pH too. IMO, use regular moisturizing poo to wash relaxed hair and stick with low pH conditioners to keep hair proper acid balance. HTH
balisi said:
I can only share what I was taught about this in cosmetology school: always use a moisturizing shampoo AFTER using a neutralizing shampoo.

I never knew this! I don't think I've ever had a hairdresser do this. I will make sure my hairdresser does this for my next touch-up. Thanks!