OMG So excited!! 1st attempt at kinky twists!!


New Member
This is mt first attempt at kinky twists or any type of extensions at all. I did it on my dd7 hair today. I am not finished at all but I am just so excited and proud of myself that I just had to come in here and show ya'll.
BTW: I made the parts this big because she's a little kid and I didn't want her having a giant head of hair.

Hair pics 009.jpg

Hair pics 011.jpg
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yay i'm so proud of you! i know that feeling exactly; keep it up!

how are you going to finish the ends?[/quote]

I think I will put it on perm rods and dip it in hot water. I tried a couple on the side but the rods I have are too big so I'll have to get some smaller ones.
Her hair looks great. I love when little girls actually look like little girls. Very cute!
These look really good. Very neat.

1) What do you plan to do with the ends?
2) How did you learn?
Re: OMG So excited!! 1st attempt at kinky twists!! (Update)

Ok so I finished but I wasn't able to get the ends to look right. Maybe the water wasn't hot enough or something I don't know. Anyway I just twisted it down to the ends. It's ok, but not exactly what I had hoped. Still I think it's good for a first try.

Hair pics 029.jpg

Hair pics 026.jpg

Click on pics to enlarge
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Get ready her friends, your friends and family members are going to start calling asking can you do their hair! LOL

Great job lady.