Oyin Products for kinky dry course 4a/b hair


New Member
...Hey ladies ive been looking at those Oyin products, i want to purchase. My hair is shaved low (probably about 1/4 of an inch) these synthetic products are no longer workig for me, i do plan on growing my hair out once i find products that don't work against it! Im interested in the WHOLE LINE what would you reccomend shampoos, conditioners, leave ins... and how to use them?!


Crissi, x
I am so happy to see Oyin getting mentioned!!! I am 3b/3c natural, the rest of my household is 4a/b/c hair and I LOVE her products. Greg's Juice is a great leave-in for airdrying. I am making up a new hair regimen, but Oyin makes great products. I know Greg's Juice, Whipped Pudding and the Grand Pooh Bar are good from personal use. Mmmm...I went relaxed for a few years, now that I'm natural again I think I better go and see what's up and poppin' over at Oyin's.
maya07 said:
I am so happy to see Oyin getting mentioned!!! I am 3b/3c natural, the rest of my household is 4a/b/c hair and I LOVE her products. Greg's Juice is a great leave-in for airdrying. I am making up a new hair regimen, but Oyin makes great products. I know Greg's Juice, Whipped Pudding and the Grand Pooh Bar are good from personal use. Mmmm...I went relaxed for a few years, now that I'm natural again I think I better go and see what's up and poppin' over at Oyin's.

I love these products also. I can't offer up much to the OP since I am not a 4a/b but they have lots of reviews on the website. I still want to get my hands on some of that Frank's juice and the Poo Bar!
I'm 4a/b - and I LOVE Oyin. My hair's a good bit longer than yours, and I cowash only - so with that in mind - this is what I've used from them.....

1) Whipped Pudding - hair, skin, everything - this stuff is wonderful. I use it as part gel, part sealer on damp hair.

2) Honey Hemp conditioner - the best leave-in EVER. My hair SOAKS up conditioner, so I don't use it to condition or to wash (my precious!) but I do use it to soften my hair to make combing easier.

3) Burnt Sugar - the stuff I most LIKELY use the most, as I use little dabs of it (plus a doorag) all week to keep my style slick and tight without pulling on my hair.

4) Shine & Define - I haven't quite figured out a use for this yet - I think as my hair gets longer, and I can wear it out again, this might be nice to work through my hair....

5) I've just started using the Greg Juice again, as I did NOT like it on my loose hair - but I'm using it as a misting conditioner for my twisted hair - and it pretty good. This, I most likely won't buy again, though.

6) Grand Poo Bar - used it once, didn't like it, decided to definitely stick to cowashing only.
Well my hair type is different than yours but I really love Oyin products. I highly reccomend them. I absolutely love the Burnt Sugar Pomade, Whipped Pudding, Greg Juice and Honey Hemp conditioner. The sents are addictive:lick:. I'm dying for some Whipped Pudding and Honey Hemp right now but I have to wait.