Parabens safe after all?


New Member
This is my second post however, im not new as ive been lurking for over a year! great to be on board though. :dance7:
Anywhoooo...i found this interesting article on parabens being safe after all.

Ive only used all natural products in the past year and a half or so and i really dont know how to feel about this! im still not sure if i will be using parabens due to the fact that these so called scientific studies find new data everyday and tomorrow they may say according to new data they are harmful again.

so with that said what do u ladies think of the this found data?
I never thought they were unsafe. I think it's silly and alarmist that when an article comes out that says thing could potentially increase slightly the risks of something, people automatically read that as "product x will cause cancer!!!"
I never thought they were unsafe. I think it's silly and alarmist that when an article comes out that says thing could potentially increase slightly the risks of something, people automatically read that as "product x will cause cancer!!!"

I agree. Could the sentiment be anymore extreme? :rolleyes:
Though my PJism causes me to still use some products preserved with parabens, I have managed to significantly cut down on those types of products and transition over to natural products. I think eventually I'll have all natural products (hair, body, etc.).

Parabens have been found to mimick the hormone Oestrogen when released into the bloodstream; this can cause abnormal cell growth, cancer, hormonal disruption, etc. Although this is based on tests where parabens have been used in large dosages, whether or not you'd like to use something with a "small or negligible amount" is up to the individual :yep:.

This is my second post however, im not new as ive been lurking for over a year! great to be on board though. :dance7:
Anywhoooo...i found this interesting article on parabens being safe after all.

Ive only used all natural products in the past year and a half or so and i really dont know how to feel about this! im still not sure if i will be using parabens due to the fact that these so called scientific studies find new data everyday and tomorrow they may say according to new data they are harmful again.

so with that said what do u ladies think of the this found data?
Hi Galadriel !
Thats one of the reasons I have cut out on the paraben products as well. The link between them and breast cancer alarmed me. my great grandmother suffered from breast cancer so of course it is genetic, so I wont be taking any risks. However, even if i did not have a family history of cancer I still wouldnt use them, just a small link between the two would be enough for me.

Thank you to all the other ladies who responded. I totally get your points. Im not concerned with it causing cancer its just the link between the two that sort of scares me.
Thanks again ladies.
In October my oncologist told me that I don't need to worry about parabens. But I don't know. I still plan to avoid them as much as possible without becoming fanatical about it.
In October my oncologist told me that I don't need to worry about parabens. But I don't know. I still plan to avoid them as much as possible without becoming fanatical about it.

I think thats the key, cautious but not fanatical!