This thread is so funny! :lol:

I looove me some drugstores. When Eckerd and Brooks had White Rain Tropical Coconut on sale for 77 cents, I hit up BOTH stores and cleaned out the supply. *Shhh, don't tell Mona Lisa. :sekret:

CVS is so nice too. They have the greatest selection of hair accesories by Scunci and a French brand too. I also got a large bottle of Rusk Smoother there once too.

Walgreens rocks. The one in my area doesn't carry the Kids Organics line, so I hit up walgreens.com and scored on the Shea Butter lotion, Gro Strong pomade, Hollywood Beauty Olive cholesterol and my favorite face cream.

And don't even get me started on Wal-Mart. Africa's Best oil, LeKair, BB Oil Moisturizer, the list goes on and on... Good stuff cheap, that's my weakness right there. :dizzy:
crlsweetie912 said:
You know I am a PJ to the core. I used to have it in my siggy I need to bring it back! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Please I will be the new VP if you start the club. I am went in Walgreens last week and saw those last chance stickers....I lost it I bought a bunch of goodies: NTM SERUM FOR 3.50. I hadn't used before I bought it but now I an stalking all the Walgreens..no wyou all have me adding CVS to my hit list:lachen:
Priestess said:
This thread is so funny! :lol:

I looove me some drugstores. When Eckerd and Brooks had White Rain Tropical Coconut on sale for 77 cents, I hit up BOTH stores and cleaned out the supply. *Shhh, don't tell Mona Lisa. :sekret:

CVS is so nice too. They have the greatest selection of hair accesories by Scunci and a French brand too. I also got a large bottle of Rusk Smoother there once too.

Walgreens rocks. The one in my area doesn't carry the Kids Organics line, so I hit up walgreens.com and scored on the Shea Butter lotion, Gro Strong pomade, Hollywood Beauty Olive cholesterol and my favorite face cream.

And don't even get me started on Wal-Mart. Africa's Best oil, LeKair, BB Oil Moisturizer, the list goes on and on... Good stuff cheap, that's my weakness right there. :dizzy:

My CVS always has the smoother shampoo and never the leave in. Thats something that I really want to try. I wonder why they don't carry it in this area?:confused:
dlewis said:
You may be right. I know the Eckerd's here turned to CVS overnight. No shut down or anything. They just changed the sign.

I wish that would happen here b/c I'm not crazy about Rite-Aid. BTW, your hair is looking fabulous! :rosebud:
Originally Posted by navsegda

OMG, I need to breathe. *coaches self: in-out, in-out*

*fans self*


preciousjewel76 said:
*Southern drawl* Oh no! I do believe y'all have a case of "the vapors"!:lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: