Please Advise... FIRST RELAXER after 2 Yrs (long)


New Member
Hello, I am new to LHCF but have been reviewing previous posts for the past couple of days. I need some advice...please! I'll try to keep it short.

2 yrs ago I decided to go natural. Just grow out my perm because while in college I didn't really feel like roller setting my hair and heading back home to go to the salon. So, I've been keeping it in single extension braids/twist styles... every once in a while going to the salon for a trim. Did my hair grow longer than before? Hard to tell because it's completely natural now and thick as ever-- so it looks to be the same length, just all natural hair-- 4B/ 4C (I'm going to miss it...)

Well, now I'm ready to go back to the relaxer. (Relaxer/perm... what's the difference? Help!) I took out my singles on Nov. 5th... washed, deep conditioned with no heat for like 2 hours (I took a nap), and blow dried it (not straight, just to dry because it's so thick and natural it hurt) and my cuz cornrowed extensioned it back.

Next week, I'll leave my hair out in a 'Fro for like 7 days leading up to when I get MY FIRST RELAXER IN 2 YEARS on Nov. 19th. I'll wash, deep condition again, etc. so my hair can really breather before the perm. I'm using Pantene Pro-V 2n1 Shampoo and Conditioner, Hollywood Beauty Carrot Cholesterol, and Hask Placenta... I don't have other products as I am studying abroad in London and can't afford to go out an buy everything now (I have stuff waiting for me back at home in like a month)

Is there anything esle I should be doing to prepare for the big day?
Since I'll be getting a full relaxer, what should I expect from the hairdresser?
How long should the perm be left on for? (She'll be using Mizani- the brand I use at my hair salon back home)
I went natural before because my hair used to sweat out easily and puff up at the drop of water or sweat ... any suggestions as to how I can prevent that now?

Any other suggestions or advice would be great as well. THANKS!!! :) :)


New Member
I've discovered that Natural Styles are just as time consuming as Relaxed ones. No matter what way I have my hair, due to my hair type (4b/c) I will be prone to breakage,etc unless I really follow great hair care. I read a lot of books on Natural Hair and Natural Stlyes because I was going natural... but not so many on permed/relaxed hair... eek!

I just think it would be more convenient for me right now to dedicate a Sat morning to wash/deep cond/setting my hair versus the daily stuff I had to do with natural hair.

And... at least with permed hair, with some effort I can produce some natural looking styles (I plan on wearing twists/braids during the summer) but it's much more difficult to achieve a straight look when I'm natural-- actually I can't, lol.

Eek! I figuring if I'm going to start afresh, I would practice great hair care for relaxed hair from the start. HELP! please.


Progress...not perfection
The only thing I can think of is to detangle your hair carefully before you do your relaxer, section it off. Also if its too thick to be able to get good even coverage in the alloted time, consider relaxing part of your hair, neutralizing, and then doing the other half. Do a seach, several women here relax in two steps to avoid over/under processing. You will probaby want to do your nape last if your hair is finer or thinner in that area. Good luck!!


New Member
I think you'll be fine for your first application, the main concern is how you take care of it after :yep: . Just make sure that you base you scalp well and don't scratch it too much or wet it or you will burn. :burn:


New Member
Have you considered a texturizer? Maybe that way you won't have to worry about over processing, but you will still be able to achieve the straight styles you want. If you don't like the texturizer, then you can just move to a full relaxer.


New Member
Getting relaxer this Saturday... any more suggestions on what I should expect at the salon? Thanks!


New Member
I would detangle my hair myself prior to relaxing and maybe even coming in there with it sectioned. When I got my relaxer after being natural my stylist sectioned my hair in about 8 sections - 4 quadrants and halving those quadrants so it would be easier to apply the relaxer to all the sections. Maybe you can pre do this for your stylist.


Well-Known Member
well, I just wanna say... Welcome back to the creamy crack side :evil laugh: :look: i'm just kidding.

I've never had my hair relaxed at a salon before, so I"m wishing you luck. Detangle well, base your scalp... Have you looked at how they do things at the salon before u made your appointment?