Positivity is Power


New Member
Dear Ladies of LHCF,

I don't post very often but I thought that, in light of recent circumstances, we could all do with some positivity.

Despite what some people have to say, I love this board.
It makes room for all kinds of different women from all kinds of different countries with all kinds of different hair... no matter how they choose to care for it
There will always be people in our lives that will do anything to tear down a good thing... but it shouldn't let it stop us... EVER. I agree that we shouldn't entertain negativity. It's simply a waste of time.

Happy Hair Growing Everybody... However you choose to do it!!

"A wise man once said, 'never argue with fools because people lookin' on can't tell who is who'". - Jay-Z



Active Member
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
kingstonkaramel said:
A wise man once said, 'never argue with fools because people lookin' on can't tell who is who'". - Jay-Z

I love that quote also. I'm going to steal it. I'll be using it quite often. This is a great board with positive, intelligent women sharing and helping each other. I don't think we should let a few "mal-contents" come in a ruin anything. Not waste a second on their foolishness. But I do feel a little sad for them. That's it.