Pregnancy and hair care


New Member
Hey ladies I am not pregnant but I am very curious to know how women mainain strong healthy hair during pregnancy. I know that your hair goes through many bad and good stages and I also heard that u should not relax. I am thinking maybe in the future if I get pregnant I will just go natural for the whole nine months. When my cousin was pregnant her hair grew like a rose bush but after she had the baby her hair broke off and thinned out badly. I know that most of us are planning to become parents in the future, so what do u ladies think is the best way to keep a healthy head of hair during the dramastic stages of pregnancy TIA


New Member
Hi Patrice,
I have a 20 month old and when I was pregnant, I really did not change my normal routine at all. I was a little concerned about relaxing and read in some books that it was o.k. while others said not to. But I decided to relax and did not have any adverse effects on me or my little girl. By the time I was 4 or 5 months pregnant, I had a beautiful, thick, long head of hair and I did my normal routine throughout my pregnancy. And then about 4 months post partum, I lost all the extra that I had gained and then some.
I took my prenatals (was nursing by then) GNC hair vitamins, strong protein treatments every 6 week to reduce shedding and wore protective styles and within the next 3 or 4 months, my hair made a drastic recovery. Everyone's case is individual so it's hard to say what will happen exactly. HTH