preserving avacado


Well-Known Member
I just did an avacado treatment, which I love by the way, and I was wondering if there was any way to preserve the rest of the avacado. I know it goes bad, but would alcohol or something like that slow down the degeneration?
Try mixing up another batch of your avocado treatment with some lemon or vinegar and keep it in the fridge. It might keep, but avocado on its own definitely won't. Next time try to get the smallest avocado possible so you won't have any waste.
Yes, lemon juice helps to keep avocados from turning brown.

Also, if you keep half of the avocado attached to the pit, it won't go bad as quickly. Something about the pit helps to preserve it. Use the half that you pry apart from the pit and save the pit half with some lemon juice on it in a plastic baggie in the fridge. This works well for me.
How long do you think it will be until your next use? I'm asking because I'm wondering if the use of lemon will have a drying effect on your hair.

If you're not eating it, I don't think a few dark spots on the avocado would be bad. It's not as nice to look at but your hair won't know. In fact I think CandyC mentioned one time that it's no problem to use the darkened areas of the avocado for a hair treatment.
I was thinking I could use the rest of it in about a week or more. I did put some lemon juice in the avacado to help keep it. But since the brown is suppose to be cool, Im not too worried. I will just add some coconut oil to negate the drying effects if that can help me at all.
I do avocado treatments regularly, I just wrap the remaining avocado that I don't use in clear plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. The only parts that will brown are those that are slightly exposed to air - generally they keep for an additional 2-3 weeks that way.

I added olive and coconut oil to mine, along with a banana and one egg. I blended it and put it in a glass jar and it didn't really darken that much. I typically use that mixture within a week.
Vitamin E and grapeseed oil are preservatives. I wonder would it have more lasting power if either of these oils were added and the avocado was put in a baggie. The fact that it turns dark does not mean it has gone bad. only when it tastes and smells funny. Just my opinion. bonjour