Profectiv No Damage Relaxer


Indy Girl Growing Strong
<font color="purple">Have any of you either received an e-mail or went to the Profectiv website to see their new line of relaxers? They said that this new relaxer will not damage your hair while straightening and doing touchups. Plus it has a foaming neutralizing shampoo that you just smooth on the hair without manipulating or getting it tangled. I want to try it out to see if it works or not. BTW, they have a new online store to shop for your favorite Profectiv products. Toodles. </font>
I've tried it before on my mother's head.

Profectiv relaxer
I never get around to it yet! I'm past 3 months relaxer. I can't deal with my hair right now.
I've used this relaxer. I'm on my 3rd touch-up. So far I have no complaints. The foaming shampoo is actually great. It's easier to apply to the hair and smoothes through your hair nicely. I've been trimming my hair a lot and I haven't taken any new pictures for a while. I just got out of the military and getting ready to buy a house. Hopefully when everything is final I'll be able to post some pics of my progress with the Profectiv Relaxer.