Protective Styling Help!


New Member
Okay so I need to know what would be a good style to put my hair in as I go through with getting my hair back to a healthy state. I'm a little past ear length, but not quite neck length and I was wondering if a braid out/twist out would look good on my hair?

I'm not too fond of wearing half wigs (I simply do not have the money for any type of hair pieces) and tomorrow after I do a hot oil treatment, I want to do something to my hair that'll last until sometime next week.

Please help!
The only way to know if you'll like it is to try. I do twist-outs regularly and I'm grazing SL... it comes out looking like a baby fro (which I actually like now). Or you can try bantu knot outs...

It can't hurt to try worst-case scenario you'll just have to wash it out and do your regular style.

But when you're EL, every style is pretty much "protective" since your hair isn't touching your clothes...