

New Member
ive recently had someone preaching at me for a few hours and was unable to really answer my question for me...

if i do my best to follow the commandments and avoid the seven deadlies...if i do all i can to help my fellow human beings whenever i can....if i live a good life, and pray and that ALL erased by the fact that i do not wish to go to church??

he basically danced around the question (while at the same time dancing around just coming out and saying that in his eyes im a bad christian for not going) and never really answered me.
I have two questions:

1. Why don't you wish to go to church?

2. Are you saved?

The reason for the 2nd question is that even the unsavied (those who are unsaved can do all that you mentioned, however only those who confess with thier month the Lord Jesus and believe in their heart that God has raised him from the dead shall be saved. ( Rom 10: 9) So to answer your question I hope no you don't have to go to church, and know all of your god won't be erased but you do have to be saved for it to count.

Shatani said:
ive recently had someone preaching at me for a few hours and was unable to really answer my question for me...

if i do my best to follow the commandments and avoid the seven deadlies...if i do all i can to help my fellow human beings whenever i can....if i live a good life, and pray and that ALL erased by the fact that i do not wish to go to church??

he basically danced around the question (while at the same time dancing around just coming out and saying that in his eyes im a bad christian for not going) and never really answered me.
Shatani said:
ive recently had someone preaching at me for a few hours and was unable to really answer my question for me...

if i do my best to follow the commandments and avoid the seven deadlies...if i do all i can to help my fellow human beings whenever i can....if i live a good life, and pray and that ALL erased by the fact that i do not wish to go to church??

he basically danced around the question (while at the same time dancing around just coming out and saying that in his eyes im a bad christian for not going) and never really answered me.

The question is, have you made Jesus your Lord and Savior. The above is not erased but you are being disobedient and not allowing him to be Lord because the word says that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as a benefit to others and ourself. (Hebrews 10:24-25). Also in I Corinthians 12 it explains how everyone that is apart of the body of Christ (saved) has a function in the church. If you are not going to church, then your part of the body of Christ is not working as it should and the church needs it. If you think about it, it sounds a little selfish not to do your part in the body of Christ. Another thing, if you are not going to church and exposing your spirit to the word, you will become stale. Going to church may be boring to your mind at first but continue to go because your spirit is being fed and when you need to call upon the word of God or run into a problem, your spirit has been equipped with the answer and can bring it to your mind's remembrance.
If you have accepted Christ you would not lose your salvation but assembling together is for our benefit and you lose the joy of fellowship when you dont attend. That is not to condemn you, follow your heart, God will lead you where He wants you to be.
Enchantmt said:
If you have accepted Christ you would not lose your salvation but assembling together is for our benefit and you lose the joy of fellowship when you dont attend. That is not to condemn you, follow your heart, God will lead you where He wants you to be.
okay, what you two are saying makes sense....that is the same point i was trying to make to this guy, that badgering me about going to church will not make me WANT to go to church, and i dont believe God wants me there if i dont want to be know what i mean?

thanks for your answers.
shatani, i wonder the same thing sometimes if only for the fact that there are sooo many religions out there who practice different things, but most of them have the same core message. so why cant we just live out the core message and not go to church?
Shatani said:
guilty of what?? not wanting to be there?

No, actually I would like to go but I havent made it a priority. I havent attended regularly in years, tho I do study.
toinette said:
shatani, i wonder the same thing sometimes if only for the fact that there are sooo many religions out there who practice different things, but most of them have the same core message. so why cant we just live out the core message and not go to church?

A lot of religions do have the same core message regarding good and evil and what constitutes morality and good behavior, but they dont have JESUS. For Christians that is what makes the difference as according to our faith all the good works and good behavior wont save you. As far as going to church, we are instructed to assemble together, worship together and encourage one another. I *personally* believe you are edified on a spiritual level when you do this. More and more I am feeling the pull back to regular church attendance so I will probably start going again soon.
Coming together with the faithful to pray, sing hymns, praises and worship the Our Lord and Savior is so spiritually uplifting for me. Their is no place like it on earth and no experience like it for me. I am going to have a bumber sticker made that say's "Ther's no place else I'd rather be then at Divine Liturgy" :) He does want you there and what we want may not necessarily be what he wants for us. Jesus never stopped going to the temple for prayer, praise and worship.
Personally, going to church really uplifts me also and to be able to share my love of God with others while praising Him does my soul wonders.

However, during college for a year or so I only attended church about 5 times a year (when I went home to Texas-- I was out of state) b/c I didn't have a church home. But I kept praying for a church home and now I have one. I feel that God is not church. You can praise Him at home, you can pray at home. But for me, going is just a showcase of my love for Him and a lot of times I feel like the message preached about was just for me.
Shatani - You dont have to attend a church regulary in order to be saved, however like Enchntmnt said, attending church it is really for your benefit. We as humans are built to want to communicate, fellowship and be around others. And doing it with people who have the same priority could only enhance your life. It took me a LONG time to find the type of church that I go to now. I attended and joined other churches in the past, but I finally feel like i am home. I encourage you to keep going until you find a place that is for you. There are thousands of churches, you are bound to find one where you can make your home. Since I been attending my current church, I grown alot spiritually. Learning and fellowshiping with other believers there is nothing like it. Just like we do on this board, its nothing better than doing it in person. And there will always people who will give you grief, hypocrites, etc, in every church, the devil rears his ugly little head everywhere, but as long as they dont outnumber the people who are trying doing the right thing, then you will be able to learn to ignore them..
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