Questions for Yogurt and dairy product users...


New Member
Do you chelate?

Are you worried about calcium deposits in your hair? There is a ton of calcium in milk and milk based products...

I know that people report dryness and such with no lye relaxers because of the calcium deposits into the hair...

What do you think about it?


Good point. I've been using a mix of sour cream, coconut creme, coconut milk, honey, and aloe vera as a dc/ henna base for about 2 wks (for a total of 3 times). I've clarified once since I started using it, but I had forgotten about 'chelating'. Hmmm...
Nope. But I only use them as needed. I used them regularly for awhile and never felt like I had build up or dryness. I only ever shampoo if I have used a product that needs it to come out - rarely.

But I only use yogurts and I read a lot of threads about it before I started using it. No one ever mentioned chelating.