RAVE Nature's Gate Aloe Conditioner


New Member
RAVE Nature\'s Gate Aloe Conditioner

Hi guys....

So the Pj was at it again. I'm getting as touch up in about a week and half and since I did my color not too long ago I'm babying my hair quite a bit....

I've been promising and promising and promising that I was going to start back with SOME kind of preshampoo treatment, but I'm not a fan of oil too tough and I wasn't sure what I wanted to use.

Well - I'm packing and I found a bottle of Nature's Gate Aloe Vera Conditioner in my stash and I decided to just slather some on my airdried hair to give it a little treat while I was going about my business. So I just put a few hanfduls in, focused on the ends, put it into a clip and forgot about it for an hour or two....

When I rinsed my hair I was in SHOCK. My hair was wonderfully soft and smooth and VERY detangled. I put on a little more, combed through with a wide tooth and put it back in my braid after running some Salerm through.

I really like it.

Becuase I had put some Salerm in my hair last night when I CW'ed I'm not sure if the Salerm helped with all the slippiness, but this is method is going into the rotation.

Generally, I'd give the conditioner used as directed as about an 8 but as a pershampoo this time around it was more like a 9. Again - I have to try it when there's no Salerm in my hair...so we'll see. But I'm a happy camper this eve...
Re: RAVE Nature\'s Gate Aloe Conditioner

thanks for the review.

i have been using my porosity control conditioner as a pre treatment and it works very well this way. it was good when used as a regular conditioner but mucho better as a pretreatment
Re: RAVE Nature\'s Gate Aloe Conditioner

really?? That's cool. I think I have a bottle of that in here too.....

I'm thinking about using all of my "iffy" conditioners this way...
Re: RAVE Nature\'s Gate Aloe Conditioner

cutebajangirl said:
That is a great way to get rid of them and not feel like you have wasted money.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't wait to start doing that this summer!!