Recession-Proog Regime


New Member

hey everyone! I did a search for this and couldn't find anything, so hopefully this isn't a repeat of a previous thread...but anyways...what is your recession-proof hair regime? do you make the most of your products in these hard economic times?...i bc'd a month ago, and still havent really figured out a regime, so i'm excited to hear your replies!!:drunk:
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hi, i bc'd a month ago too. i did it on april 2nd lol.
anyway i really dont have a recession friendly regi because most of my products are on the expensive side. the thing about these all ntural products is that they are home made and takes a while to get or they are pricey. the things i use that are price friendly are:
Hello hydration conditioner
totally twisted conditioner
vo5 moisture milks conditioner
trader joes nourish spa conditioner
coconut oil
castor oil
coconut milk
shea butter

but my styling products are not nice on the pocket at all. i use:
karens body beautiful hair milk
blended beauty curl styling butter
jane carter nourish and shine
curls milkshake

and my fave ddeep conditioners are pricey too. i mean i know i can find SOME cheaper products that are just as good but its hard to find them in your average bss or sally's or cvs. i rather stick to the products i have.
i have made a promise to my hair that before i buy another thing i will make sure my supply meter goes on E lol before i buy anythin else lol or else lol the (or else just sounds serious lol)
I'm trying to use up my stash that I have instead of always running out buying new products.

Also, trying things in my kitchen like milk, yogurt and mayo for my hair.
I am:
Using items in my kitchen
Using the things that I have before I buy anything else
Mixing my AO HSR with my TJ Nourish and Spa to stretch it. It also makes a great DC and it has a lot of slip like this
I am:
Using items in my kitchen
Using the things that I have before I buy anything else
Mixing my AO HSR with my TJ Nourish and Spa to stretch it. It also makes a great DC and it has a lot of slip like this

I'm doing the same thing. :yep: However, I need to try adding my Nourish Spa to my AO HSR.
My hair reggie is always recession proof. sheshentit avocado conditioner, creme of nature original shampoo, coconut oil, amla olive creme.

I ocassionally use lasio lasio and sabino when straight.

Other items are whole foods and chlorella. I don't buy into trends and research stuff for months before I jump in.

I've had my container of chlorella for over almost three months for $28 bucks, and sabino I bought through the discount code and keep a bottle for about 6 months as I don't use that much.

So I'd say my haircare is cheap cheap.
Once I know my staples, which I pretty much do, I will buy items in bulk. It's more cheaper that way over the long term.
My reggie is already recession proof. change there...I try to skip rinsing on days that we have a ban (I think it's tues and thurs) since I know I use a lot of water just standing under the shower head for no reason.

Castor's like 5$ a bottle. I buy two bottles a month at the most.

I don't really use anything else. I still have a whole bunch of coconut oil from a whole foods sale a few months back. If I feel the need to DC I just grab some kitchen stuff (honey, olive oil, etc.). I wash my hair with baking soda or my regular body soap (I use all natural glycerin or olive oil soaps).

I think that every regimen can be recession proof when you realize that there's always an alternative to expensive products. Though, many of the salon quality products are super concentrated so they do last a long time, which is a plus.

Also, most of the stuff people use is extra. I mean do you really need a regular conditioner, DC, leave-in, and moisturizer? Nope. If you buy a salon quality DC, you can actually use it for all of those things. I know Butterfly08 (I think that's the right one, there's too many butterfly screenames on here) who is relaxed and highlighted leaves in her regular conditioners. I'm pretty sure she said she uses Redken Butter Treat as a moisturizer. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.)

Anyway, I used to take my Giovanni Deep Moisture conditioner, add water, and a bit of baking soda to cowash. I'd use it straight to DC. Add some water and then I'd leave it in. Same with my Oyin conditioner.

Just spend your money wisely. Make your products multi-task. And use cheaper things to make them stretch like baking soda, oils, water, or TJ Nourish Spa (it's only 3 bucks!) or another cheap conditioner.
My main products are all under 10 dollars.

Fantasia Ic gel

Cantu Shea butter

CON conditioner

V05 poo and conditioner .

Profective deep conditioner

I am not heavy handed with my products and they last me a good while. I'm also going to start mixing my own things.
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