Redken Extreme Conditioner for Cowash?

Luscious Locks

New Member
Hey, ladies.

My hair keeps breaking. It just won't stop. It's calmed down a bit, but I really want to put it to an end. Since lurking and joining this hair board I've figured out that my hair loves wheat protein. :lick:Wheat protein is the main protein in Redken extreme. As most of you may already know wheat protein is more of a conditioning protein than silk, soy, and keratin. Sooo I was thinking that I could co wash with Redken extreme to see if the breakag would stop.

I would only do this once a week. Co wash on Wednesdays and then regular shampoo and condition on Saturday with my moisturizing poo and con.

Does this sound good? And have any of you ladies used Extreme Conditioner for co-washin? Help, me. Me and my hair will be eternally grateful.
