Relaxer Preparation Question


Active Member
Hello ladies,

Hope everyone is having a great new year so far!

Can I CW my hair a day or two before I relax it? Right now I am wearing a weave and plan to take it out a day or two before I relax my hair. Or should I just run water through it to tame it? Any other ideas are welcomed.

I cw the day before I relax (in the morning) with no problem. I've done that for years.

It's not recommended though, as if you disturb the scalp it might be sensitive during the relaxing process and the relaxer might burn.

That never happens to me though. And in fact, the cw makes my hair easier to manage when I'm relaxing it.
I prefer to wait 48 hours in between my last wash before a relaxer but why are you condition washing? I believe the last wash should always be a protein treatment of some sort.
I can't do it. I wait out the 5 days. My scalp would be on fire and I know because I've tried it. But that's just me.
I wouldn't recomend it; but if your scalp can take the agitaion then you should be ok. Usually I wait a week of no irritaing the scalp before..and yes the last wash should be a protien help strengthen and prepare the hair for the relaxer
The co wash isn't what I'm concerned about. I don't feel that you should get a relaxer that soon after having a weave in. My advice would be to give yourself one protein/moisturizing treatment and another deep conditioning treatment before you put a relaxer in your hair (over a period of at least 10 days). Washing your hair a couple of days before a relaxer is fine as long as you don't scratch your scalp.

And remember to use a chelating cleanser to remove any buildup (do a search on here and you will find a lot of info if you aren't familiar with chelators).