Relaxer Question - Self Relaxers


Active Member
I just relaxed this weekend and I achieved my goal of being BSL:look: (I will post pic soon); however, I have a concern. Is it normal to lose hair during the relaxer process? I wasn't losing chunks of hair, it was just individual strands here and there and they seemed to be intertwined. I know I lost a lot of hair in December when I went to the hairdresser but assumed it was because she was doing a lot of yanking and was being really harsh (although she said it was normal because it had been four months since my last relaxer) and it's been that long now; however, I tried to be as gentle as possible and still lost hair. There were more longer pieces of hair than shorter ones, but I'm still concerned as I don't want to suffer any setbacks.:sad:

I didn't comb my hair before applying the relaxer but sort of combed through it on Saturday. Is it normal to lose some hair or not? Does anyone else experience this?

I will be doing an Aphogee 2-step protein treatment on Saturday and am not planning to touch my hair until then. Please share your views on this and also share your after-relaxer regime. I'd like not to lose any of my progress due to a setback.:nono:

Thanks ladies!
Whenever I wash be it washing out a relaxer or regular wash, I tend to lose some hair.

I suggest you catch the hair and inspect a few strands for shedding and breakage to determine the what type of hair fallout you are experiencing.
I used to lose a lot of hair immediately after getting a relaxer ... until now.

What I do is after the relaxer is washed out, I mix Garlic oil with food grade aloe vera gel. I apply the mix to my scalp and sleep in it overnight. Now I lose maybe 2 hairs.

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I Don't lose much hair at all (very little). I think using Nexxus Emergencee 1 week Prior, and the Mid-Protein Step After Relaxing and Before Neutralizing has Significantly helped with this.:yep:

This time, after neutralizing, I Co-Washed with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner. Normally, I will DC with AE Garlic or *Lamaur Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment* which is to be used directly After a Chemical Service.:yep:

A Combination of these things, have prevented me from losing hair during the Relaxing Process.:yep:
I did my retouch this past Friday after a three month stretch. I did lose some hair. This is my 3rd retouch after I relaxed my hair for the first time June 09. My hair is thin and it scares me every time. However no bald spots so I don't
I lose a few hairs after, but not a lot. It is normal for me. I don't thoroughly comb through my hair before my touch, so I expect to lose a few hairs. They are always just a few shed hairs, and not breakage.
I Don't lose much hair at all (very little). I think using Nexxus Emergencee 1 week Prior, and the Mid-Protein Step After Relaxing and Before Neutralizing has Significantly helped with this.:yep:

This time, after neutralizing, I Co-Washed with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner. Normally, I will DC with AE Garlic or *Lamaur Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment* which is to be used directly After a Chemical Service.:yep:

A Combination of these things, have prevented me from losing hair during the Relaxing Process.:yep:

This is great advice and in my case - I add Keratin Amino Acids, Hydrolyzed Keratin and Hydrolyzed Silk to my relaxers so - I do a mid-step with protein and after neutralizing use a very moisturizing dc....

The only time I notice a few hairs is after I rollerset but not during the process...
Oh, I also wanted to add that after my Relaxing Session, I immediately begin to build up my hair with keeping my Regimen on Point to prepare for the Next Relaxer.:look:

So, I am constantly thinking ahead to the next relaxer if that makes sense:spinning: as to what what products, changes, techniques I need to implement between Now & Then to make sure I have Great Results.

Specifically: What/when to do protein, What/When Reconstructor to Use, What Moisturizing DC'ers to use in between time. What will my daily moisturizing and sealing be........

I'm always looking ahead and preparing for the next 12-14-16 Weeks.:yep: