Active Member
I just went into this section at the top of the forum for the first time and love it. I think that a lot of members are not aware of this section. I did not realize it was there until today.

You can find it at the very top of the forum, in the status bar under the logo with the 4 ladies. The "Reviews" section is the 3rd one.

One important note to make is: Do not post a review in the "Quick reply" section. In the "quick reply' sections you won't be able the e.g. rate the product, price it nor provide pro and cons.
To post a review properly use The "user options" under the product description and click the section icons(which say "post a review") E.G. User Options

The "Review" section will be very beneficial if we all use it. Please use it.

p.s. You can add a product to be reviewed also but I have not figured out that part as yet.