SCOTUS Strikes Down Abortion Clinic "Buffer Zone"

There has to be a way to Minister to them in order to Prevent the pregnancy, which would in turn, prevent the abortion.

An ounce of prevention.... ?
Because people should not be using abortion as birth control. @Shmmie, now you know you can't make people use common sense. They are not about that life. :nono:

A tad off-topic, but there's an essential oil I use for the lawn (will not reveal it for safety). I had to give my full name and the reason I needed this stuff to the employee at the health store because kids were purposefully getting pregnant and then using this poison to abort their babies. I was shocked! At least, there are people and companies who take it upon themselves to do the right thing.
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A tad off-topic, but there's an essential oil I use for ants and for the garbage to keep out raccoons. I had to give my full name and the reason I needed this stuff to the employee at GNC because kids were purposefully getting pregnant and then using this poison to abort their babies. I was shocked! At least, there are people and companies who take it upon themselves to do the right thing.

O' My Goodness! I'm glad GNC and other companies are taking responsibility with this.
I am glad they upheld the constitution.

However, i don't really believe most of these clinic protesters actually help women. I have seen many over the years and most just try to horrify, shame or intimidate women. They carry gory posters and pamphlets. Usually by the time a woman is going in for the procedure she has made up her mind.

The most common reasons women have abortions include financial and having no social/emotional support. Those are more effective avenues, IMO.