
Well-Known Member
A week ago I was once again struggling with dry hair so I decided to put my hair in braids when I took them out the braid out came out really nice but the ends were rally coarse so frustrated I took out the scissors to trim the ends but I end up going crazy and cutting my hair. Now I am back to the length that I had in december. :perplexed

I am so mad but I'll just keep nurturing it and it will grow and I WILL figure out a moisturizing routine that WORKS :ohwell::look:.
it would be easier for others to chime in with some helpful advice if you posted your routine. how often do you wash? what hair products do you use? do you use heat? how do you style?
Don't get discouraged. Your hair will grow back. A set back is only temporary, learn from it to keep it from happening again.

You just need to be really careful with braids though. Were you caring for your hair while it was in braids, e.g washing the braids, DC'ing, adding moisture every day?

Also, I know its moot point now, but next time, before pulling out the shears, try baggying your ends for a couple of days....baggying works wonders for dry ends.

Be encouraged sister.
Girl don't get discouraged! Your hair will grow back just deep condition it and moisturize it often!
I can tell you..yesterday I accidently cut off 4 inches of my bang because i was holding the scissors incorrectly and SNIP. lol.
Sorry to read about your hair being so dry--it looks like your hair is 4a/b in texture...trying porosity treatments for a few months and deep conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner. You will be AMAZED at how soft and smooth your hair will stay once you start performing porosity checks routinely. I have found for my tresses that 4a/b tends to have rough cuticles and that equals dry hair for me. But when I use ACV or a porosity conditioner my hair is much smoother and the moisturizing conditioners are more effective. I don't have a "regime" per se but this is my routine:

1. Cowash-twist with gel 2-3 a week.

2. Deep condition with moisturizing or moisturizing/protein conditioner combo once a week.

3. Porosity conditioner once every 6-8 weeks. I have perform 3 since I bc in February.

That is about it. My hair is so much softer and the coils are more defined now.
thanks so much as for my regimen consisted of;
-shampooing/conditioning my hair once a week with Yes to carrots then moisturize with mango and lime shea lotion
-cowashing daily with aussie moist (love that condish) and sealing with shea or coconut oil

My biggest problem is still moisture :(... although the last few days that I have been neglecting my hair my hair seemed happier so I do know the less I manipulate the better off its is. Thank God !!
Maybe cowashing is not your friend. It may be beter for you to just wash and condition once a week and then moistuize daily. When you wear braids make sure your hair is well moisturized before you put them in and that you spray moisturizer all the way down the braid.
thanks so much as for my regimen consisted of;
-shampooing/conditioning my hair once a week with Yes to carrots then moisturize with mango and lime shea lotion
-cowashing daily with aussie moist (love that condish) and sealing with shea or coconut oil

My biggest problem is still moisture :(... although the last few days that I have been neglecting my hair my hair seemed happier so I do know the less I manipulate the better off its is. Thank God !!

Start fresh and clarify to make sure there's no build-up. If you continue to co-wash daily, then you need a more emollient moisturizer or leave-in, or both. Then you can apply the coconut oil to seal in the moisture.
lady esquire what do you mean by more of an emollient moisturizer? Do you mean moreso sprays then butters/creams
I Agree Ms. Larry.

It sounds like you should Clarify to remove any/all possible Product Build Up from your Co-Washing Regimen. Conditioner can cause severe buildup and block moisture from your Hair.

This way, you will cleanse your hair thoroughly and start over with a "Clean Slate" and then you will be better able to judge how your products are really working for you. I would definitely cut back on the Daily Co-Washing to about 1-2 a week.:look:

You could also try whole head baggying with your Coconut Oil to get some moisture back into your hair. And Possibly adding a Moisturizing Spritz to your Baggy Method.:yep:
If you live in a hard water area that may be making your hair dry...for now, for extra moisture i recommend a nice long prepoo with AO honeysuckle rose on dry hair. I did this the other day and i loved the way my hair felt.